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You load back into the regular office, but there was not a single sound of narrative commentary from The Narrator himself. So, you then just decided to continue your normal way throughout the office.

You then make your way to the New Content door, but notice a large neon sign with the words, 'New new content' written on it in cursive as the sign illuminated the room.

As you walk in, you notice a vent, sitting on the ground, and the lid softly fall to he ground.

"Psst, Y/N! In here!" You hear The Narrator whisper.

You crouch down by the entrance of the vent, leaning your head inside in curiosity

"What's this for?" You ask.

"Just follow me in, I made something in the game without the Developers knowing," He whispers again.

You smile, and crawl yourself slowly into the vent, slowly crawling through it.

"I've made something in the game that the Developers shouldn't be able to find." He starts. "Since the 'uLtRA DeLUxE' was a bust, I'd thought I would make some memorabilia of the very first Stanley Parable and when it released!"

You finally make your way out of the vent, and ahead of you, you see a large doorway, with a bright light glowing through the other side.

"I call it, The Memory Zone."

Standing up to get a better look, you could feel a force lightly push you towards the doorway. You quickly turn around in fear, only to see nothing, and almost complete darkness behind you.

"Go on! I'm so excited to see your reaction!" The Narrator says sounding excited, almost as excited as a little kid on their favourite holiday.

You smile, walking through the doorway as the glow fades away into comfortable and warm sunshine, glowing down on you.

You see ahead of you a little triangular shaped and cozy looking little building, along with a welcoming open door set in front of it. Surrounding it was a lovely field of grass, and tall, and dark pine trees spread apart.

"Wow, Mr. Narrator, this is amazing..." You say, staring in awe while making your way through the cozy building.

"O-oh, thank you! I tried my best to capture as much of the original Stanley Parable as I could." He stutters slightly while you make your way through the house, passing by all sorts of memorabilia.

Statues, awards, quotes, all sorts of things were organized neatly on shelves, plateaus, and all sorts of different things scattered neatly everywhere.

It was like walking through a museum! Everything had such a calm aura to it, that you feel almost at home. Home...

You liked that feeling. The feeling of nostalgia and comfort.

It finally felt like you were at home...


Your ears suddenly perk up at the sound of The Narrator's voice, realizing you got lost in your own thought.

"H-huh? Oh, geez, sorry... Got lost in thought for a moment." You sigh.

After a while of him touring you around, showing amazing reviews and articles, he seemed very pleased with himself.

While looking around, you notice a staircase, leading down to somewhere.

"What's in this room?" You ask, making your way down the staircase.

"...Actually, I think I have the same question as you, Y/N. I-I don't remember making this part..."

You slowly make your way down, to see another outside part, only it seemed more smoggy, and reeked of bad reviews like a landfill.

You look around, to see giant crates of reviews of the Stanley Parable from all sorts of different game review websites.

"Oh dear... What's this?" The Narrator sighs in concern.

//HELLO I AM NOT DEAD I AM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!! Anyways, I hadn't had much inspiration for some time, and because not to mention I had a sibling on the way (She's hear, healthy and very happy) and I'm happy to publish antoher chapter of this! Anyways, hope you're enjoying it so far, and see you when the next chapter is published!//

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