•.«*🅐𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫*».•

274 17 11

Type of fiction: Family drama
Countryhumans used: Italy, Kingdom of Italy, Fascist Italy
Small plot: Italy accidentally overhears a conversation between his father and his uncle that will make him hate the last one

No one's pov

Italy was a very active kid and a bit of a troublemaker at times but he was also really clever for his age. His father was always busy ruling the country but he still tried to spend as much time as possible with his child: he loved him dearly and of course Italy felt the same, he cherished every moment he had with his father. When his father was busy he would spend time with his uncle, Fascist Italy, who was his father's younger brother. He was very young compared to Kingdom of Italy so for Italy he was more of a big brother than an uncle. They had lots of fun together doing all kind of games, sometimes he would also sneak him some good treats. The only people who didn't seem happy about their relationship were the maids, who had to clean up all the mess they made everytime they came back with their shoes full of mud from playing in the garden, put back the feathers into the pillows after their pillow fights, tidy Italy's room after they put it upside down, get him new clothes or fix his old ones since he always ruined them and whatnot. Then gradually things started changing. Fascist kept begging his brother to let him join in the country's business, Italy didn't get why his uncle would want to deal with boring political matters while he could just play with him all day. Kingdom of Italy was always an easily manipulative person and he loved his brother as much as his son so he would often give in to all of his tantrums. He knew his brother wasn't suit for such a job, especially given his immature behavior, but after some time of him constantly begging he gave in and made him his right-hand trusted man. Of course that came with consequences, and those were Italy was now left alone in the mansion while both his father and uncle would work. He easily got bored being alone all the time so he started acting more rebellious and often made trouble. And of course once a man got a taste of what power was like he only craved more, Fascist wouldn't be satisfied anymore by being just the king's right-hand. He became more and more intrusive about his brother's business until he was almost leading it all, even attending important meetings instead of him. Rumors started going around about how the king was such an incapable man that he left all the business in his brother's hands, that he always took credit for his brother's hard work. Fascist also gained popularity among women, who stated he was very good in bed. A couple of times Italy caught him flirting with the maids between a meeting and another. Suddenly it felt like his old funny and kind uncle had left, giving space to this new snooty and arrogant stranger. Sometimes he would spot him walking down the hallway and ask him to play, only to be sent away by his harsh words telling him he was "busy". 'Of course he is, trying to think about which woman bring to bed next' Italy thought. He started growing distant from his uncle until he didn't feel attached to him anymore. Then one day something happened, the straw that broke the camel's back. It was a regular night, after spending his whole day playing alone and eating in an empty dining room Italy was hoping his father would at least read him a bedtime story before he went to sleep. Last time he walked around the house before dinner he noticed his father's office's lights were on so maybe he was still there. He walked there and saw the door was half opened, the lights were still on and two people were arguing inside. He quietly hid behind the door and peeked to know what his father and uncle were discussing about.

- No, no and no! This is too much, I already gave in to enough of your tantrums: I'm not giving you full power over the country! I accepted you as my right-hand man but we both know you're not capable of such a job and I don't want you to make any alliance with Nazi Germany! -

- Awh come on brother, your people love me! Or maybe I should say my people since lately there are only bad voices going around about you -

- I have to admit you're very good at persuading people, I could make you minister of the propaganda but please give up on this foolishness -

- You said it dear brother, I'm very good at persuading people and I won't hesitate to persuade them and turn them against you if you don't give me what I want: I could rise up a civil war and everyone would be on my side, they think you're just a good-for-nothing who left the whole work of ruling in my hands, so might as well make the rumors come true don't you think? Besides what would happen if during the civil war people decided to take it out on poor Italy and make him pay with his blood instead of yours? -

Kingdom of Italy glared at his brother while he smirked boldly, sipping some wine.

- So what is your answer, brother? -

- Fine, but leave your nephew out of this -

- I knew you would make the right choice! -

- Please, don't make any stupidities. I don't trust that man who took power in Germany, not even UK and France do -

- UK and France! Do you hear yourself? The same people who promised you the world after the Great War and gave you nothing! Then you come telling me about not making any stupidities, as if you know how to choose your allies! -

He angrily shouted and threw his glass on the floor, as it shattered into a million pieces and the wine spread out on the crimson carpet. Italy almost gasped but luckily they were too busy to notice him.

- I guess you won't listen to me. Fine, do it your way since you know better, since you have more experience in politics, and see what happens! Now get out -

He didn't need to be told twice as he started leaving without saying another word. Italy moved away from the door but still waited for him outside. Fascist got out and closed the office's door, he turned to leave but then saw Italy standing in the way, with his cheeks red with anger and his eyes filled with tears. He didn't act surprised at all, he simply smiled.

- Oh so you listened to the conversation, didn't you? You should really find some productive way to entertain yourself instead of bothering other people or snooping into their business, kid -

- You don't tell me what to do, you're not my father! And you're not my uncle either! My uncle was better than this: he would play with me and keep me company every time I felt lonely, he would take me to awesome adventures and make me find out new things, he would tuck me into bed after playing to me a new song each time with his violin. You're not him, you're not that person anymore: you're just an evil selfish person who cares for nothing but power, for what even? Blackmailing my father was the last straw: you're dead to me, you're just a stranger living in my same mansion but don't you ever think of me as your nephew anymore!!! -

After saying that he stormed off before his father could hear or get out and see him. Fascist didn't care one bit about what Italy had said, he was just an annoying kid after all just as much as his father. He simply walked the opposite direction to go out of the mansion and take his car, his company for the night was waiting for him.

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