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Hiii This introduction will be quite a bit, but helpful information to know prior to reading. Mainly because I created my own world. 

The main character, Takko, was created during a casual dungeons and dragons game with my friends. Takko was supposed to be a chaotic selfish character who mostly just wanted to steal and kill anything. I felt inspired enough to create a story but first I needed to create a world.

The story will take place in our universe, but on a different planet. A planet that was deemed inhabitable and even dangerous for humans. But... mysteriously began to be human-friendly. It went from a hellish-firey rock to purplish grassland with vast oceans to resemble earth. There will be different plant life and creatures living on this planet for anyone to discover. The landscape would vary from deep valleys to floating islands and waterfalls flowing from the islands and into lakes. There will be a huge volcano that could surprisingly be dormant long enough for cities to be built within. 

The skies will vary from pink to purple and orange; the oceans will reflect the same. As previously stated, the grass will be purple and sometimes a mid-night purplish blue. I've created several unique plant life that plays a role in the story; some will be poisonous and some will even bare fruit sweeter than any berry on Earth. Everything on this planet was perfectly designed to attract humans. 

The main antagonist of the story is known as The Entity, until more is known about her. She is the undoubtfully ruler of the entire planet. Not only is she the ruler, but is the mother of the generations of people living there. They were all created for one reason; to provide her with souls. She created them from a fragment of her soul, so when they were born their soul grew larger for her to consume and become more powerful. She requires sacrifices to gain souls, and in return...her children prosper. 

For context, her children are technically demi-gods...revealed my on-going book "The Entity". I say demi-god, but in simpler terms they are elves, but I don't want to call them elves. But canonically, they are demi-gods. There are 5 types, all named after her first children of each type:

Krovolan: They are the most human-like species. Excels in battle and knowledge.

Dafti: "Wood-elf"- Excel in manipulation. Known for their sharp pointy ears and various sharp teeth. Feared by other types. Takko is a Dafti. 

Asari- Bird like creatures. With feathers as sharp as arrows. Hunted by most species for their valuable features. Each are born with an aura that comes with their own specialties.

Ivora- Lives mostly in the ocean, but can also be on land. Excels in healing

Domen (Light and Dark Variant)- Domens are known for being close to the entity and come in pairs. They are the Judge. Mind Readers. Light and Dark has their own special abilities.

This story is still in process but I have had many years of brainstorming and this is just the top layer. The story "The Entity" provides a beginning to everything and is a wild story within itself. Although, that story chronologically comes before Takko, I'd read Takko first if you want a more adventure, battle, and gorey type story. The Entity starts off as a more mythical, sci-fy adventure. You will get to see how these species came to life and much more. 

Takko however is very adventurous because that's who he is. He loves science and experimentation. His overall goal is to acquire/create the most powerful valuable anyone has ever seen. This valuable will build-up to carry him to his goal and nothing is more important. Similar to my D&D session, Takko will be like a selfish, chaotic character. However, that's just my take. I would love to know your viewpoints on the main characters like Takko and The Entity. There are other important characters as well like Nukki and the Queen that you will encounter later. I would also love to know your opinion. Are they likeable? Are they Good or Evil? Does their actions reflect their lifestyle/goal? I try to flesh out every character. Not just by giving them a background, but by giving them distinct characteristics and goals of their own that has nothing to do with the main character. Each character has their own story to tell. 

I hope you enjoy!

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