The Full Story

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I was born in Naples, Italy in 1873

I never knew my mother, but I was told that she died when I was really young. I was raised by my father, a poor fisherman who lived in a small house north of Naples on top of a cliff. Every day I went out with my father on a little boat to catch fish for food and to sell at Naples' markets. Life was normal until my 12th birthday.

My father believe that it was time for me to become a man, so he tested me by sending me out on our boat by myself and told me not to return until I catch a swordfish that was larger than me. This test was an important part of my family's history, my father did it and his father before him. I spent two days at sea before finding the fish needed to prove my growth as a man. As soon as I caught it, I returned back to the mainland, and rush home to show my father what I'd caught.

It was already nightfall when I got home, and I notice that our door was busted in. As I approach the entry, I smelled fresh blood coming from inside. I approach slowly dropping the fish and picking up an axe that lay outside and walk inside. There I saw it, My father's body, mangled and cold from what looked like a bear attack. But his body looked dry as if the liquid and life was sucked out of him until his death. I look left and notice a hole in the wall, and a trail of blood making a path toward the woods. Filled with rage I follow the trail until I saw a man hiding in a coat, I asked the man what is he doing out there. He turned and jumped at me to attack.

I swung my axe at his head and he took the blow without moving. He ripped the axe out of his head and started walking towards me. I slowly backed up scared and ended up falling onto the ground and crawling away. I found the small but heavy rock to defend myself and threw it at the man. He didn't dodge and was left with a hole in his head. Soon, he grabbed me by the neck and shove me against a tree. His fingers stabbed into my neck, I felt as if he was draining my blood. He was, and as he was, he grew younger, and show his fangs and pale skin to me as he got closer to his youth.

I thought I was going to die. To think that I failed my father by not being there when he needed me. Right when I thought I was about to die, the man's head, gets smashed in by a foot and starts disintegrating. I fall to the ground barely conscious and I look up to see my savior.

After the attack, my savior stayed by me for my recovery and He answer my questions. The man I faced was a vampire, and he was a monster hunter who focused on locating a stone mask that gives people this demonic power. After I was fully stable, he was going to leave, but I begged him to let me join him. I wanted to make the world a safer place and didn't want to go home alone. He accepted and started my training. I learned that his name was William Zeppeli and he became like a father to me. By 1886, I was already a master hamon user, creating new techniques and mastering old ones.

In 1888, we heard rumors of a vampire appearing in England, So Zeppeli and I travel to England looking for a survivor, the one who "kill" it. His name was Jonathan Joestar and soon after that day he and I became great friends. After hearing how Dio survive his supposed death, JoJo join our ranks of Hamon users and had a goal of ending his half-brother for the greater good. During our mission, we fought zombies who carry the souls of two Knights that were a threat to us, and in our battles with them, Zeppeli laid down his life to protect JoJo. In his last moments, Zeppeli past his hamon through his last breath towards both of me and JoJo to strengthen our fighting spirit and Hamon strength.

After JoJo killed Dio, he got married to a childhood crush and decided to have a honeymoon in America. I tagged along to find a new purpose in my life. While in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Dio appeared and explained he wasn't dead and killed JoJo.

I was able to get JoJo's wife off the boat but right when I returned to the fight, the engine exploded, and I ended up drowning in the Atlantic Ocean, sinking deeper due to the iron beam dragging me downward.

At present times, UA High

Y/N Pov

"That doesn't make any sense though," Aizawa asks," how are you here if you were born 300 years ago?"

"I don't know, but I promise you, this is the truth." I pledge while holding my hand over my heart.

"I believe you Y/N" I looked over to see Nezu smiling and Recovery girl reading her clipboard.

"Looking back at your medical history, it makes sense for the time period of what your health is." Recovery girl looks back up from her clipboard. "You still need those shots though."

"Now that you know the truth, what are you going to do with me?" I ask with a serious expression on my face.

"Why let you go to UA of course!" Nezu says as everyone looks at the mouse confused. "Y/N, you have nowhere to go and you are in a world where you don't know anything about it. I'll let you into UA but you'll have to agree to us testing you and your power to learn more about it."

"I'll agree to anything you want me to do." I proclaim bowing toward the principal.

"Before we jump the gun, I want to add a requirement to Y/N's admission to UA." Aizawa looks up," Y/N will only be allowed into the hero course, and will need to take the hero admission tests."

"Ok I agree to those terms, Aizawa" Nezu turns to me," do you agree Y/N?"

"I do"

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