Class President

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The Next Day...

Aizawa brought me to school early again and I stay in classroom 1A for the entire time. I thought about how I should approach Midoriya about his power, and how to limit my answers to simple and quick responses if he backfires questions at me. Soon Class started and Aizawa went over yesterday's hero battles.

"Bakugou... You're talented. But don't sulk like a child about your loss. And Midoiya... I saw that the only way you won was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. And don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk. You can't keep breaking your body while training here. But your quirk will be really useful if you get a handle on it." He finishes and his tone darkens.

"Our first task will decide your future.." you can feel the tense emotions coming from the students."You all need to pick a class representative." everyone starts to calm down. And that's when the excitement picks up.

"Pick me, guys! I wanna be a class rep!" Kirishima screams while throwing his arms up.

"I'll take it"

"Yeah, you're gonna need me."

"Someone with style would be the best."

"I'm, like, totally the right pick!"

Everyone freaks out about wanting to become class rep but me. 'Too much attention' I thought as I look around to see who would be the right pick.

"Silence, Everyone Please!" Iida yells out, getting everyone's attention. "The class rep's duty is to lead others. That's not something just anyone can do. You must first have the trust of every student in the class. Therefore the most logical way to fill this position is democracy. We will hold an election to choose our leader!"

"It's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you," everyone said responding to Iida's request.

"How can we trust anyone if we've only known each other for a few days"

"Yeah, and wouldn't everyone just vote for themselves."

"Most people will, but that means whoever does receive multiple votes must truly be the most suitable person for the job. It's the best way, right, sir?" Iida looks towards Aizawa as he zips himself into his sleeping bag.

"Don't care, just decide before I wake up." he falls forward to sleep.

After the voting, Midoriya got first with 4 votes, and Momo and I got 3 votes.

"How did I get three votes?" Midoiya yells in shocked

"Alright you idiots who voted for him?" Bakugo screams out enraged.

"What, did you think anyone was gonna vote for you?"

In the end, Midoryia became our class rep and he look like he was suffering because of the position. I let Momo have a vice rep because I don't want to get involved in leading our class. As everyone agrees that Midoriya and Momo would be great choices for class reps. Class ended soon and we headed for lunch. I'm still waiting for a chance to ask Midoriya so I try and stick with him through lunch to find time to talk to him. We sit down with Ochaco and Iida and Midoriya describes his problem with being a class rep. Iida changes the subject with talk about his family, a long line of pro heroes using the name Ingenium. As Iida describes how he isn't fit for the position. An alarm rang and announcers turn on.

"Warning. Level three security breach. Please, students, leave the building in an orderly fashion." as the alarm continues ringing, the halls start to crowd with students causing a massive mob to form. People were stuck so there wasn't any movement from the mob. As I noticed from outside the mob some people were about to be trampled. I notice Iida realizing the problem and trying to get to the center to relay the news but gets stuck. I start ripping leaves off the plants in the cafeteria and put them close together and create harmony in my body.

"Life Magnetism Overdrive!" I yell out as my hand connects with the pile of leaves connected like a glider. I run towards the mob and jump high. I glide towards Iida and call out for him.

"Iida grab on!" I yell out as Iida notices me and jumps to grab onto my leg. He grabs on an I glide towards a wall to hang on to.

"Iida use your quirk! We need a boost." I yell and he agrees. He uses it which makes us faster and harder to control causing us to get everyone's attention and collided with the wall.

"Sticking Ripple!" I call out as I transfer Hamon to the wall allowing me to stick to it. I grab onto Iida as he delivers his message.

"Listen up. Everything is ok." the hall grew silent as everyone listen to Iida. "it's just the media outside. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. Everything's fine. We're UA students. We need to remain calm and prove that we are the best of the best." as he finishes police sirens could be heard and they rounded up all of the press outside trespassing.

After lunch, we return to Class. And Midoriya gave up his position to give up the Class rep and give it to Iida. he explains how with him dealing with the mob during lunch, he deserves to be class rep. Everyone agrees and he became the new rep. 

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