Chapter 12

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Turns out Peter is not what I thought he would be. He's a monster

He was never like this; in the beginning of our relationship he was caring. He was everything and acted like he would never hurt a soul not until the night of my birthday . How can I be so stupid I felt for this shit again The worse part is I can't tell anyone because then he'll hurt me more

He says that he loves me but I know that's a lie. All he says are lies especially when he drinks

The drinking gets so bad to where it's at the point to abuse got worse it's just like Kyle

It started at first with a smack then he started to push and now .He pulls my hair and pushing to floor or the wall

Then it's way worse
When will this ever end?
Sometimes it's also hard to breathe I also where a lot long sleeve to cover myself so no one won't know and I can't tell my parents they work all the time and I don't know what to do.

So I just try to act normal
I put on a long oversized sweatshirt
To cover my arms and for my face I put foundation. Also sometimes. I'm lightheaded. Like I'm going to faint

I go as normal and find my group I sit down and get my journal
' hey sunshine you look exhausted' Solana said while cuddling with Hudson ' I'm not exhausted what make you think I'm exhausted'. I said I get a pen out during this time I put my pain into writing easy to come out. And makes my work more powerful

' you look like you haven't slept, been crying, and your eyes says it all'. I hate it when she right I'm not okay. I know I need help but I don't know. ' I'm fine I promise'. I said
Gavin came over He looks at me
' you okay?' He asked.
' I'm okay '. Why I keep lying

That's whole lie I'm a mess I've gone through this shit two times all because I'm stupid I'm ducking stupid ' are you sure because-' I cut him off. ' listen I'm fucking find so stop asking' I shouted at hi walked up and left

'. Should I talk to her?' Gavin asked
'. No give her some space'. Solana said.

I went to the bathroom went to a empty stall and started crying and another flashback

' no one going to love you the way I do' Kyle said and I'm crying in the floor my hair in my face my body was numb ' say I love you'. He hit him. ' I love you' I cried and he turned me over and kissed me. And left me thee

I came out the bathroom and see Monica and Peter making out
That bitch going to die together I tie my hair up

After school I see her walking with Peter and kissed him again
' hey bitch ' I said. She turned ' what you want?' She said. Not this bitch acting dumb

' I know what the fuck you doing I seen both of you making out been knew since my birthday and I wanted to stay civil but vocal boring so what's up' I put my shit down
' listen you sorry piece of shit it's not my fault your boyfriend loves me and I give him what he wants' she said

' Peter I knew that you go for a slut kind of fitting for you '. She step closer to me . Say that one more time'. ' slut'. '.

' you going to pay for that' she says
I waited 'come on you son a bitch do something'

She tried to walk away but I pulled her hair. Kicked her. She tried to punch me but she missed everybody started watching. ' that's my girl!' Solana shouted.

This bitch had it coming this isn't her first time getting her ass from me and not her last talk shit get hit

I stopped her hair a mess. And she got scratches on her face and she scratched my leg wasn't bad though
' don't fuck with me bitch!' I said

And I walked away with a middle finger in the air Peter-checked if she was okay fuck Jim and his bull I'm going to end if

I decided to go to his house. He let me in and we went upstairs I walked into his room " so you and Monica huh?' He closed the door-and locked it
' what about me and her?' He said and drinks his beer.

' what about it? Peter you fucking chest on me and you expect for me to act like it didn't happen' I said. ' He laughs. ' she has what you don't and she does what I say'. He says. ' all because I'm not ready to give up my virginity for you?!' I told me so many times I wasn't ready still not I want to wait for the right time

'. Kira don't you see? I love you I do everything I can for you'. He gets closer I started to get nervous
'. You don't love me you don't care about me '. I said.

' I care about you no one would love you as much I do no one will love you'

' these bruises and tears are not love you're a fake' he started to get mad and his fist was ready. ' you just think I'm your toy that you can play with I'm sorry Peter but we're done'. I said and I try to walk away but he grabbed me by hair

And pushed you against the wall. I couldn't breathe.I was shaking
. " You're not going anywhere and we're not done" He said. I started to cry I couldn't move I try to get out but I couldn't I was trapped.

' get off of me!' I shouted but he just pulled tighter
He started kissing me
' I said get off of me!' I shouted louder. He took me to do the bed. And took my pants off. I kept saying no but he wouldn't listen. I started to cry

I need help

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