Chapter 1: Girls Night In

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Elizabeta's POV

It was a Saturday afternoon when I heard the doorbell ring followed by a couple of knocks. I glanced out my bedroom window and looked down.

"Anya, apu! They're here!"

I looked through my suitcase to see if I had everything I needed for tonight. I saw that I had my bathing suit, pajamas, toothbrush, extra set clothes, phone charger, and Airpods. Good! I have everything I needed I thought to myself.

"Édesem! Are you ready?" My mother called.

"I'm coming!"

I zipped up my suitcase and grabbed it with me as I made my way downstairs. When I entered the living room, my parents and friends were sitting there eating and conversing with each other.

"I'm here!" I interrupted before I approached my friends to give them a hug.

"Oh my goodness, your mom makes such delicious kürtőskalács!" Emma complimented as she hugged me back. "Whenever I try to make them, they never turn out so well."

I chuckled while I grabbed one and sat down next to her. Emma Jansen and I knew each other since we were in middle school. She is a social butterfly with a hospitable spirit that can make people feel welcome in any setting. The one thing about her is that she doesn't like to cook, which is strange because she actually can, especially when it comes to making waffles. Somehow, she's able to make the waffle batter not stick onto the maker as its cooking. That's a skill I struggle to perfect.

"If you want some more, we have plenty in the kitchen" my father insisted.

"Yes please, take as much as you want" my mother chimed in. "Lizzie is so obsessed with them. It's almost like we can never make enough to satisfy her cravings."

"Mom! I'm not that obsessed with them."

I tried to sneak one in my mouth when she wasn't looking. However, that plan didn't fall through as she caught me in the act. She shook her head and laughed while I blushed.

"Thank you, or should I say 'köszönöm' for the snacks Mrs. Hedervary." Emma smiled as rubbed her stomach. "But I should be saving room for dinner."

"Not me" Iryna bragged. "I feel as though I can take several more! May I please?" 

"Of course! Come with me the to the kitchen" my mother motioned.

Even though I've known Iryna Braginsky since freshman year of high school, I felt as though we've known each other since forever. Born in Ukraine, she and her family moved to Russia and Belarus before they came to the US. Emma and I first met her on our first day of middle school. Iryna was one of the new student in our class and we were tasked with making her feel right at home. Since then, we've been the best of friends.

Although she's not the oldest out of our friend group, Iryna tends to be the more responsible and mature one since she is the oldest of her two siblings. She's kind and sweet but can be sensitive and a insecure at times. Since she underwent puberty at an early age, her breasts are larger than most of the girls at our school. It often places her at the center of attention because it makes them feel jealous or insecure. As for the guys, it gives them the unmitigated gall to make snide remarks about them. But recently, her confidence has gradually improved to the point where she gave them a nickname and talks to them. It's weird but I still love her.

My father looked down at his wrist and then looked back at us. "We'll be approaching sunset in a couple of hours. Are you girls ready to go?"

"Yeah I think we are."

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