Chapter 2: Goodbye for Now

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The tranquil sounds of birds chirping outside Tim's bedroom awakened me from my slumber. I slowly opened my eyes and let out a big yawn. It didn't take long for me to realize that I would be leaving for New York in a couple of days. I let out a downhearted sigh as the time spent with my friends felt rather abridged.

"Wakey, wakey sleepyhead!"

Speaking of those devils they flopped on me, seeing if they could wake me up.

"Oh my gosh guys" I hissed. "I'm already awake!!" They gave me one last hug before they got off of me. "Anyways, what's the time?"

Iryna checked her phone "10:15."

"Let's go and make some breakfast!" Emma encouraged us while she did the cabbage patch. "I call dibs on making waffles."

I chuckled at her dance moves. "Okay, okay. Just let me brush my teeth first."

"Alrighty then, we'll be waiting for you downstairs." She danced her way out of the room while Iryna followed right behind her, motioning to me how weird she was acting.

I stretched out my arms and then I started undoing my Dutch braids. I shook my head, allowing my long tresses to dance freely. Once I was done, I got out bed and headed towards Emma's bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I went back to Tim's room and changed out of my matching sky blue pajamas and put on a plain grey t-shirt and knee length red shorts. After that, I grabbed my phone and made my way downstairs.

As I entered the kitchen, I saw that everyone was helping out in some way. Emma was mixing the waffle batter, Iryna was cutting up fruit, and Gabriel was frying bacon. The aroma from the meat filled my nostrils, causing my stomach to growl on command.

"Good morning Elizabeta" He greeted. "I assumed you slept well last night?"

I smiled. "I did, thanks for asking!"

I fixated my gaze at Iryna. She had changed out of her matching pink pajama tank top and shorts and put on an oversized white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. I tried not to smirk as I walked up and patted her back, but she saw me and frowned anyway.

"For the record, I don't think he's a creep" she whispered. "I appreciate that he's more cordial with me than the guys at school, but I don't want to give him the impression that I'm interested, you know?"

I whispered back. "But I don't think he would jeopardize his sister's friendship in hopes of shooting his shot with you."

She abruptly placed the knife down. "That's because he's a kid. What happens when he turns 18? All bets will be off, legally speaking."

"So what? Just turn him down. It's no big deal."

"I don't want to hurt his feelings though." She whimpered. "He's sweet boy."

"Well, Em will comfort him when you shatter his heart. She'll understand why you had to reject him."

"Shatter?!?" Iryna cried out before I quickly hushed her. Luckily, Emma and Gabriel were so preoccupied with their own conversation that they didn't hear us. She responded in a hushed voice. "Great, now you're make me sound like I'll be a monster!"

I rolled my eyes. "How about we bring this up 3 years down the road? Because right now, this breakfast isn't going to prepare itself."

"That's fair." She picked up the knife and continued cutting the strawberries.

"Hey Liz!" Emma called. "Do you mind make us some scrambled eggs?"

"Sure! Just let me put on some music to play in the background."

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