Chapter 15

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The boys left Wayne Manor and headed toward Waffle House. On the way there they were stopped by Roy Harper AKA Arsenal and Kory Anders AKA Starfire.

"Hey kid you know where Jason is?" Asked Roy

"Why should I tell you?" Snapped Tim

"Cause I..." Roy began

"Roy he's just kid." Whispered Kory

"Yeah and he's Tim Drake, the playboys warden." Frowned Roy

"Let me try. Hello Tim it's been awhile." Smile Kory

"It's nice to see you Kory, unlike some people." Said Tim

"Can you tell us where Jason is and we'll leave you alone?" Asked Kory in her polite tone

"He's at Wayne Manor. Alfred my butler will tell you the rest." Smiled Tim

"Thank you, see Roy that's how it's done." Stated Kory

"Whatever come on." Groaned Roy

"Well it's nice seeing you Tim, but we should go." Grinned Kory

"Alright bye." Said Tim with a confused face

With that Kory and Roy were off. Kory waved, which made Tim grin. Tim turned around and began walking. Dick, who was hiding in the back of Tim's shirt popped his head out.

"Where have you been?" Asked Tim

"In your shirt." Replied Dick

"Well smart move."

"Thanks. It's been awhile since I seen her."

"Yeah I know, Roy is still an idiot."

"Yeah nothing you can say about that."

The brothers laughed and started to make their way to Waffle House. When they got there Dick slid down into Tim's pocket hoping no one would see him, but only Babs. Tim walked in and was greeted by a waitress.

"Hello may I help you?" Asked the waitress in her kindest voice

"Uh yes, can you tell me we're Miss. Gordon is?" Asked Tim

"Oh you must be Mr. Drake right this way."

"Thank you."

The waitress showed Tim to a table in the corner with a red head in a wheel chair and wearing glasses. The red head looked up from her book and smiled. The waitress excused herself and went to get a pen and a pad.

"Hey Babs." Greeted Tim

"Hello Timothy, did you bring him?" Babs whispered

"Yep." Smiled Tim as he pulled Dick out of his pocket.

"Hi Babs." Said Dick

"Hey Dickie." Smiled Babs

Just then the waitress was coming back. Tim didn't have time to think, he yanked his hand back in his pocket.

"Hi my name is Betty I'll be your waitress. May I start you guys off with something to drink?" Asked the Waitress

"Coffee for me mam." Said Babs

"OJ please." Asked Tim

"Sure no Problem." Smiled Betty

"Oh can we have some water too?" Called Tim

"Sure." Grinned Betty

When she left Tim pulled Dick out of his pocket. Babs sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry Dick." Whispered Tim

"It's fine." Groaned Dick

"I got you water. Is that ok?"


"Hey hide behind the salt and pepper."

"Ok good idea."

The waitress came back carrying their drinks. Tim was relieved Dick blended in with the pepper.

"Here you go. Coffee, OJ, and a water. Are you ready to order or you need a few more minutes?" Asked the Waitress

"I think we're ready." Replied Tim

"Alright what can I get you." Smiled Betty

"I'll have the oatmeal with fruit." Said Babs

"I think I'll have the bacon and eggs, and can I waffle to go?" Asked Tim

"Sure no prob." Said Betty she took the menus and headed toward the kitchen

"Ok Dick you can come out now." Whispered Tim

"Babs Tim said you have some stuff for me?" Asked Dick

"Oh yes. Here they are." She held out a small bag and handed to Tim. "Don't look in it until you get home."

"Ok thanks." Smiled Tim

"Babs you'll never believe who we saw on our way here." Said Dick

"Let me guess.... Wonder Woman." Joked Babs

"Roy and Kory." Answered Tim in his serious voice

"Yeah they were acting weird toward me. They wanted to see Jason, but Kory was acting very strange around me." Whispered Tim

Before Babs could reply the food was here. Dick quickly hide.

"Oatmeal with fruit, eggs and bacon, and your waffle to go is still cooking." Said Betty as she handed the food to everyone. "Anything else I can get you?"

"No mam, thank you the food looks good." Smiled Babs

When Betty left Babs looked at Tim. Tim knew she was worried.

"What does Arsenal and Starfire want with Jason?" Whispered Babs

"I don't know but they were acting a bit too friendly." Sighed Tim

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