ᥬChapter 2: A Sickening Resemblance​᭄

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The cherry tree sings it's song
Wraps it's petals around my heart
A delusion so beautiful so pure and simple
Now under this strange willow
The green petals turn white
And the leaves turn pink
This delusion is like a fateful encounter
Under this fake cherry tree
The willow hums the song of mourning

𖠇 The blue sea of hope where the birds fly, the Henituse territory is where the grave of a hero lies, red roses scattered throughout, and just close by walks a similar existence, from the crimson red hair and the redish brown eyes, all is alike, a hero where only ash remains now the exact body walks through the streets with a black cloak covering his existence with 6 guards which serounds his body 𖠇

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

Cale walked around the streets, a black cloak covering his face six others serounded him all doing there own activity.

First was  A woman with curly mint colored hair and bright green eyes wearing white loose fited clothes she had less golden accessories then others as the only form of accessory she wore where a pair of golden Coffs on her hands and her mint hair was loosely tied back earning the name 'thief' for her cleptomanic persona

Another was a younger looking girl with straight flowing blue hair and deep blue eyes as she cursed at whoever seemed to listen. She was called 'crazy kid' for her foul vocabulary *You XXX and XXX*

Third was a man grey hair and a beard, his eyes where a bluish grey he had an older and wise looking vibe easily being distinguished as the oldest of the large group. Although he had a wise apeal he was called 'fiery cobble' for his boulder like personality and his fierce rashinality

Fifth was fiery colored man,  long orangish red hair, a red thunder like mark below his right eye matching his hair, his bright orange eyes matching his many expensive looking accessories. He was addresses as 'cheapskate' for his excessive love of money but was unable to spend it

Sixth was a younger man with bright orange hair and yellow eyes, he wore a white rob and golden accessories similar to the others, he had a more holy Apearence and had followed closly behind who seemed to be there leader and was called 'cale' as he whined crying earning him the name 'crybaby'

Lastly was a woman with curly green hair and eyes, she had a priest like attire with multiple golden accessories her curly hair was tied behind her in a modest fashion but her holy appearance was broken by the exccesive amount of eating earning her the name 'glutton' for seemingly always eating

All  of these individuals serounded cale as they walked through the streets

"Cale are you sure your ok?" *sob* "I healed you don't worry" *sob* crybaby sobbed walking besides his Liege "take it slow Cale" *sob*

"I'm not a baby I'll be fine... I've already recovered a good amount of strength" Cale had a small smile on his face taking small bits of his meat skewer "glutton don't buy to much food there's more things in the spatial bag" the red head warned seeing the green haired woman arguing with the food stall owner

"But Cale all this food is just begging to be eaten! Look at all the delicacies I would never have been able to eat these things at the temple! Look at the golden brown color and the moist texture! And how the chicken just juices in your mouth with the bomb of seasoning!" The glutton started ranting on about the food texture which was greatly ignored by the others the cheapskate who had just gotten his allowance from his Liege only donated silver coins to the glutton so she could continue her food buying spree. The fiery cobble as they called him was the one who had to drag them away from the stalls

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