დ .•*""*• a special day •*""*•.დ

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It was a normal day for the roan Kingdom, the blue sky shielded their bodies with the help of the sun, the birds chirped their happy melodies and the beautiful spring breeze gave a nice feeling of comfort. the time of peace came with the blooming spring and the continent has been rebuilding what was destroyed with war.

down in the super rock villa was especially peaceful when the commanders party were out, after being called in the palace for some 'cleaning' of what remained of the white star and ARM Cale was left alone to enjoy the embrace of solitude...


with his children of course.... Cale had been tasked the very important task of babysitting. Roan, On, Hong and his little sister who had come to visit Lily. ofcourse he had stayed on his rocking chair rocking the day way while the small children played. Cale hated physical labor so much so it became unhealthy in the eyes of his family who had donr everything and even plan secret meetings on the very important topic

"how to make Cale Henituse exercise?"

a very important topic which they tried multiple solutions but sadly to no avail...the red head was sneaky and would always find a 'convincing' excuse, feigning sickness, being hurt or on cases would rely on his rather, adorable looks to get what he wanted which seemed to work all the time.








Cale took a grape from his fruit ball, a blissful smile on his face as his eyes closed, his pale skin feeling the cool summer breeze which came from the window, he enjoyed the sweet peace as his slacker life was saved once again

"Oppa!" lily the short brown haired girl ran inside the room followed by the 3 other children, mud and dirt on their faces with leaves stuck on their clothes or hair. 

"hello human! this handsome dragon has blessed you with my presence and a gift!" Roan held a flower grown in hand which was made with yellow and pink flowers

the children ran towards the red head adult and placed the crown carefully on his head. Cale now fully awake put a smile on his face as he patted them on the head before giving each of them a fruit as a thank you

"Oppa! come play with use!" lily tried pulling her brother by the arm with excitement, her eyes glimmering with joy as she spoke

"yes nya!" the two cat children who had been in their human form both said in sync 

"ha.." Cale wanted to say no, he really did however the cuteness of the children, his responsibility as a parent and older brother hit him and with hesitation stood up and followed the children the the field where mud pies, ruined flower crowns and wooden swords where scattered around

"Oppa! I've gotten really good at using the sword you brought me! i cant show you know because i keep it in a special place in my room but when you come visit back at the estate i'll show you how well I've taken care of it!" the girl talked quick with fool excitement, her eyes filled with stars as she talked with her friends and brother

"i wish oppa could use a sword so we could spar... Choi Han is away so i cant spar with him..." lily shared her honest sentiment

"human is to lazy to use a sword" Roan who laid on said humans lap spoke

"would you like to show me your sword skills" Cale patted Roan on the head as he spoke, his body adorned with more flower accessories, from bracelets on each arm to necklaces to more crowns on his head and even a flower belt? his whole body was filled with flowers

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