read this when.

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Read this when you're happy, sad, angry, nervous, shy.

Read this when you miss me. Even if you shouldn't.

Read this when you've moved on.

Read this today.

Read this now.

Read this.

So when you read this, I'll probably not see your reply soon (if ever you do reply haha) Where do I start hmm okay, you've always been the type of person who'd go out of your way to help. It's really an innate attribute that I've always admired about you. You would still be one of the greatest blessings in my life, one of the closest people in my life, one of the people who've had such a great impact in my life, and the person who has helped me more than any other person in this world and in my life as of March 26, 2015 haha! Setting aside our past, I still truly admire the person you are and the person you've grown to become in this past year and a few months of knowing you. You've matured and your writing justifies it. And you have the ability to inspire so many with such simple but beautiful words, and I hope you don't lose that drive. You've helped so much (i'm a witness) and you could help the world much more. In this world that's so huge and self-centered, only a few will care. And you're one of the few. But the thing is, in this huge world all we ask for is assurance. So you're one of the few and you're outnumbered. That's okay. Start small and gradually work your way up. It would take an enormous amount of effort to convince this huge world all by yourself. But you see, you can't handle this world all on your own. Really, I've tried. You can take on this world but wouldn't it lonely without having anyone to share it with? You'll always have someone there. You've just got to notice them. Like how you've noticed me. It may not be me anymore but I'm here if you need me okay? So share that world of yours with everyone special to you cause it gets a little to overwhelming sometimes in this huge world. You'll never know how out of place they may have been in this world too. Let them in yours. When it feels like everything's going against you, remember that the plane does not fly and the ship does not sail with the wind, it goes against it. So keep going. You've come so far, and this not the end yet, it's only the beginning of a new adventure. In college, you'll more likely change. And that's okay. Try out new things and find yourself along the process. I know it feels like this is all coming from someone so foreign to you already because I know that I have changed, but I really am happy. And I hope that in the next and hopefully better years of your life, you'll find that happiness and fulfillment in your life too. I wish I could say this all in person and on your grad day but just know that I'm really proud of you. Awards and your grades will never define you. Maybe the diploma will (a little bit) cause it's hardcore evidence that you've earned and deserved it. But the way you've let me see this huge world in your perspective proves how this huge world is nothing but a spec of dust as compared to how you actually live and look at it. You've taught me that I could define myself. Thank you, good luck and God bless on your someday.

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