Chapter 1

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3rd person


Chuuya Nakahara is a blessing to lay eyes on. Heads turn when he goes anywhere. Anyone would kill to have him as a friend or a lover. Anyone. So, with this in mind, it is not a mystery why people often create problems to get close to him. He would get confessions from anyone; girls, boys, anything in between. He doesn't exactly mind the attention, but it's gotten more and more annoying as he's been getting older.

So, he's a little pissed off today. People keep acting helpless, or falling expecting him to catch them, or doing something else shitty and stupid. His first instinct is to go to his favorite arcade to blow off some steam.


The redhead practically had steam coming from his ears. He was fuming. He was, but his anger level dropped from 'fighting god' to 'fighting regular people' He was calmed by the nostalgic shapes on the ground, tickets scattered all over the floor, and people he had come to recognize in the three years of him coming here. But, there was one face he didn't recognize. A brunette, with annoyingly captivating eyes. It's not that he hated newcomers; quite the contrary really, but this guy just reeked of irritating personality and daddy issues. He walked to the game next to the newcomer, not batting him an eye. The newcomer, however, was caught catching glances at him quite often, making him mess up his game. Strings of curses could be heard from the stranger, making Chuuya's mood lift a bit and he chuckled some. As his game ended, he pulled out his wallet to put another coin into the slot. But, trying as this day has been, the universe decided he was not done. His wallet fell to the floor with a shot plop.

"Oh shit," he thought, and also probably said out loud. Now it was the others' turn to giggle. Chuuya shot his head up at him with an irritated expression that read I will genuinely beat the shit out of you; but as intimidating as it was to almost everyone else, the brunette couldn't help but giggle a bit more. Chuuya decides to try as hard as he can to put all of his years of anger management to use. And he wishes he could say that he didn't reel his fist back. He wishes that he could say that he was a very calm and reasonable man at that moment. And most of all, he wishes seeing the strangers' blood running down his nose did not in any way look attractive. He swore he could see a faint tint of pink on the cheeks of the other, but it might've just been blood smeared. Yeah, because that is 100% how blood works. Yep.

He immediately panicked and started stumbling over his words like he usually does when he's upset. "Shit! I'm-" he started, "I didn't mean- I just," he tried to finish. It was an odd sight to behold, Chuuya Nakahara, notorious for being the king of The Sheep, an ethereal beauty who looks like he always plans things through. He does not. He never does; this is a perfect example. What was weirder about this scene, though, was that the others' giggling seems to grow even more after someone who looked weaker than he is punched him right on his noggin. Then he tried speaking once again, "I'm really- I lost- uhhm- are you," Obviously he was not ready for that. The giggling of the other was now just full-blown laughter, and Chuuya could not be more confused. 'What the hell is with this guy', he thought. This time it was definitely in his head. Chuuya got tired of not being able to speak and decided to just force it out of himself. He grabbed the other by the shoulder, trying to ignore the strangers piercing eyes, not exhausting into his soul. "I'm .. Sorry," he demanded the words out. And nobody and nothing can refuse Chuuya. He did it once so he could do it again, yeah? "Are you ... Okay?" he said with a noticeable wince. The unfamiliar practically forced him to look into his eyes. For the first time in a while, Chuuya obligated. He looked straight into the other's eyes, and it was so worth it. Yeah, brown is a pretty typical eye color, but goddamn. They were lovely. Chesnut, hazel, and dark brown swirled together. He loved bragging about his eyes, but these were beyond his. Maybe he didn't mind eye contact. Perhaps he didn't mind this guy. "I'm fine," the other finally responded, covering his nose. The redhead let out a sigh he didn't know was in him. "Here, I'm sorry, I'll fix you up in the bathroom." The brunette smiled some more. Okay, he does not mind newcomers either. He has a preference for newcomers. "Oh, that isn't necessary! I'll be just fine," he countered. Chuuya's eyebrow twitched. "I'll fix it up. Get over yourself." Chuuya wasn't in the mood, and the stranger did feel a teeny bit bad for laughing at him. "Fine" he breathed out.

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