Chapter 2

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Sorry, it's a bit shorter than the other!! I wasn't very inspired today lol. Despite that, I sincerely hope you enjoy this one!

P.S. I intend on updating regularly, a couple of times a week at most.

3rd person


In the morning, when Chuuya woke, he was tired. Exhausted. He spent all night thinking about the things the other had said to him. And now, again, he's on his way to the arcade. He's not doing it to blow off steam this time, no, he's doing it to get his mind off the other. His eyes shine a little darker due to his lack of sleep, and he values his eyes. A lot. He needs their glisten back, so he needs to other out of his head. This probably would be a lot less difficult if he wasn't sitting exactly where he was yesterday, now with a knowing grin. 'Bastard,' Chuuya thought.

Dazai craned his head over to the other, shit faced grin spread over his face. Chuuya just rolled his eyes and went up to the game console next to Dazai's.

"Well, look who's here!" Dazai exclaims, obviously excited over the presence of the other. Chuuya just ignored him. "Aw, chibi-chan is so cold.." he says, to no one in particular. Chuuya just grumbles something incoherent, not caring if Dazai hears him or not. Dazai soon loses his game and just leans over Chuuya's shoulder to watch him play. Chuuya, thrown off by the sudden closeness, gets distracted and redfaced, losing the game because of it. "Oh, good! I thought nobody could see or hear me," Dazai teased.

"Agh, shut up, will ya," He finally replies with an eye roll. Dazai'll be the end of him. Dazai just smiles at the response. "So, what're you up to, chibi?" the brunette asks. "Nothing in particular, why?" Chuuya tilts his head to the side, resembling a small dog. Dazai chuckles at this. "Go out with me?" He responds, genuinely asking but, as usual, he'll never say. "I'd rather die," Chuuya replies honestly. Dazai sighs again. "Hm... How about this, Chuuya, if I can beat your high score on here, I'll take you out," he smiles, clearly content with this deal he's cut Chuuya. The redhead's eye twitches. "And what makes you think you can?" he asks. Dazai smiles wider now, showing more teeth. "Easy! You're shit at video games," he answers. Chuuya scoffs. "Whatever," he whines. Dazai chortles at that.

"So! What's your high score on this one chibi?" Dazai asks, already knowing the answer. He had checked all of his high scores beforehand, having this all planned out. Dazai does not like winging things.

"28,990" Chuuya answers simply. He doesn't like small talk too much. "Uh-huh, and this one?" Dazai questions. Chuuya remembers this game. This game cheated him out of 2,000 points! He grumbles before answering something Dazai can't quite catch. "What was that, doll?" Chuuya glares at him before answering. "Do not call me that. And it's 39,000, but the fuckin game cheated me out of 2,000," he shoots. Dazai smiles. "Oh, of course, chibi could score as high as the stars if he wanted, but the game cheated him out of it," Dazai taunts. Chuuya just hit him on his head, earning a little 'ow..' that the savored. Dazai lets out a huff. "Oh, whatever. I'm sure I'll beat chibi-chan's high score and win a date with him!" the brunette says a bit too loudly, attracting stares from other people in the arcade. "Shh! Shut up will ya?!" Chuuya whisper-yells at the other. "Oh? Chuuya doesn't like attention like this?" Dazai quickly catches on "Shut the hell up you fuckin' mackerel," Chuuya hits him again, a couple more times, and a bit harder. Dazai whines. "Ow, ow!! Okay, whatever you say gorgeous," Dazai lets out a strained breath sigh.

"I thought I told you to fuckin' quit it with the damn nicknames," Chuuya tells him. Dazai giggles a bit, wanting to egg him on and calculating how he could. "Wrong~ You told me to not call you doll or handsome. Now, I'm willing to admit doll is a bit dehumanizing, bu-" he's cut off by a punch to the gut, and he coughs for a couple of minutes. Chuuya just rolls his eyes at him. "You p*cough*ack quite th*cough*e pun*cough*ch," Dazai says between coughs. Chuuya scoffs. "You don't say," he states sarcastically while handing the other a bottle of water. "Ah! So chibi really does care for me!" Dazai's eyes are sparkling, which, Chuuya will admit, is a nice look, but it does not let him off the hook for being an ass. "I do not. You're just very loud and my patience is running thin," he says back, unimpressed. "I'll take it!" Dazai replies.

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