After the conversation between the Arjun & Krishna in the middle of the battlefield which is later transformed into the Bhagavadh gita the most inspiring episode of Mahabharata.
By this time the Gavuravas leader Duriyodan politely informed the eldest of the both the Padvas & Gavuravas the legendary warrior of the kururastra Bishma that " They are waiting for his command".
Then the immortal warrior took his conch and begin to blow it hence the Mahabharat war began.
Then the all the Kingsmen, Generals & Prince began to blow their conch respectively...and the war drums sounds teared everyone's ears.
18 days of war
أدب تاريخيThis is about the greatest epic from the land of India 'THE MAHABHARATA'.I would like to explore The kurukshetra war which is the climax & important segment of the story.The war lasted for 18 days.