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This is gonna be from the POV of 2B😨‼️‼️ and it's kinda like a fourth wall break.

Sometimes, people ask me what it's like to live with a re-animated, mag corpse of my partner. And they don't even try to hide the fact that they think it's a kink.
"Hey Doc! You- uh.. you have an big plans for tonight?"
Other than getting my ass pounded by Hank? Yea, no. No plans at all.

It is awful most of the time.
I was talking to my cousin from Utah over the phone and I tell him I'll be back in a minute cuz I hear something. Next thing I know, Sanford and Deimos are trying to shoot Hank with tranquilliser darts because apparently someone gave him "that weed, yo." And he was trying to attack them.
We don't have weed.

Just last week, Hank breaks eighteen mugs and somehow almost steps on a rat - this rat is alive and fucking massive, by the way, it's hard not to see it. - and then they proceed to hit the fucking griddy after shooting the clown???

My cousin is like "He can't help it"
I know he can't help it, Steven.
"Why do you stick around them? They're dangerous and freaky!!"
I am not going to put 4 years of commitment in this relationship to waste just because Hank is a little different to what he was before, and neither is he. Simple as that.

He also brought home, like, 7 cats once.
It was kinda weird. But I can't stop a cat person being a cat person.

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