2: The 48

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Rose leant against the rough bark of a tree, running her hands down her face in annoyance and frustration. It had been 5 minutes since the adults left them outside camp to survey what had happened, yet it felt like an eternity. Bellamy, who was just a few feet in front of her, was now restlessly pacing back and forth with this creased look on his face. Anyone around him could tell he was getting annoyed, and when Bellamy Blake was annoyed, you learnt to mind your own business. 

Rosalind Thatcher, though, never learned her lessons. At least not if she didn't want to. The blonde took a step forewords, rubbing her temples as she sent him an annoyed glare. "Can you seriously stop pacing Bellamy, please for the love of god" she complained, which caused the black haired man to stop on his heels and spin around a full 360 degrees towards the girl.

"It's been way too long, we gotta go in" he protested, eyes narrowing at the girl in front of him.  In the moment, though, Bellamy Blake could not focus a single thing, his mind racing with the possibilities of what could be going on.

"Just listen to the adults for once, Jesus Christ man. I know you have a problem with authority and all but please-" Rose began, pushing her frizzy blonde hair from her face. She probably looked insane right now, dried blood clinging to her face and arms like monkeys to trees.  She was a mess, and she wasn't even considering the amount of open wounds she still had.

"Okay seriously, what the fuck is your problem? Before now, we've barely held a conversation, and now all of a sudden you hate me?"  Bellamy spoke out, anger now laced in his tone as he took a few rageful steps forwards towards her. He swung his arms out to emphasize his own words, now placing one hand on his hip and scowling downward.

"Okay one, I don't hate you, I dislike you. There's a large difference," she began, taking a step closer to his chest to prove to both herself and him that she was in-fact not intimidated.  "-secondly, I dislike you because you're selfish and ignorant. We may not have talked much when we first landed, but over the course of time that we've been here all you've done is cause problems and make everyone's life harder-" Rose spat, disgust evident in her voice as she glared up at the man standing so close to her. She could feel his body heat, and was close enough that his breath almost hit her forehead. Jesus, he was tall.

"Selfish?" He questioned, cutting off any other words he had to say and running his hand down his face to wipe away his annoyance. If they hadn't been waiting outside their camp to learn if all their friends had died or not, maybe he would have started yelling. "I did what had to be done, and ultimately, we were better off for it" he finished, a low growl in his throat as he sent the most spiteful look down towards her.

Before she could respond, a voice cut through the tension like a knife.

"We need a stretcher!"

Nothing mattered about their previous conversation anymore, not for now at least, as both of them immediately pushed forwards towards the camp in a rush to understand what was going on. Finn, who had been eves-dropping this entire time, moved quickly with the others to try and get into the camp, but was shoved back by two guards blocking their entrance.

"Whoa whoa whoa-" one of the guards spoke, waving his hands out as if to stop  them from passing. Clearly they haven't had much experience with teenagers though, especially ones who were sent to the ground, because Finn and Bellamy shared a knowing look, and in a second they were sprinting to the right. Rose was quick to follow, darting in between trees as the morning earth sank away under her feet.

The blonde pushed through the tunnel separating the outside forest and the inside of their camp, hauling to a stop when everything inside came into her view.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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