I'm fine

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              "He's a Jeon?"

   But how?

That is not possible. Jungkook does not have any other sibling. Maybe he is one of Jungkooks cousin son. Yeah maybe, Jimin thought.

"Appa, This my company. I come when I want" Jihyun folded his arms in tiny and pouted.

To say Jimin was shocked would be an understatement. Appa? He is Jungkooks son? But-  He moved on? Of course he had Jimin, He had every right too, He's not a fool like you who will wait 7 damn years for his ex-lover to magically come one day and be his forever, His conscious mocked.

"Now who told you that"Jungkook asked, already knowing who is it.

"Yuggie did." Jihyun replied pointing his finger at the culprit who smiled nervously and waved his hand.

"Lee yugyeom, why are you so persistent to manipulate my son against me?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow at his best friend who awkwardly shaked his head with a fake smile, low-key scared for his life.

"And You! Why do you listen to yuggie but not me. You forgot the rule, No visiting the office without my permission " Jungkook scolded his son, his voice soft and low but stern.

"Appa you no want me here? I go. It's ok I have no mama and you don't love me anymore so I have no appa too. Yuggie pwease leave me out the orphanage, oh no yuggie is appa friend. I can go on my own" Jihyun dramatically got down from his chair and walked toward the door. Everyone stared at him in amusement. Yoongi tried not to laugh while Yugyeom had already lost it, he was already laughing like a maniac.

"Bye-Bye Appa I love you ever," he waved his hand and left the room, closing the door a bit too loudly.
Jungkook hit his head on the wall,
"Son of a Actor." he whispered a bit to loud.

" Kook I think you should go after him, There are too many orphanages in seoul and I'm too lazy to visit them all." Yoongi said making everyone laugh while Jungkook groaned and went after his son.

"So the meeting is over I guess." Soobin said and shook his head,smiling.

"Nah wait a minute they will be right back." Yugyeom corrected his posture and sat straight.

And just like that the door opened revealing Jungkook with a pouting Jihyun hoisted up in his arms, he was looking like a koala with his legs wrapped around Jungkooks hips and arms wrapped around his neck. Jungkook walked to his chair and sat on it but Jihyun didn't moved a inch and stayed like how he was.

"Mister Jeon I didn't knew you were married but congratulations. Your son is really handsome, Are not you sweetheart? " Leehyun smiled at them. Jimin too smiled sadly, He's right they are beautiful.

"I already know that mister. " Jihyun turned his head in his direction and replied then rested his head on Jungkooks chest. Yoongi chuckles, Narcasstic brat, Just like his father.

"He is, just like his father. But what made you assume I'm married Mister Lee.? " Jungkook rather asked, leehyun frowned, what does he mean by that?

"I mean I thought, since you have a kid?." Leehyun replied confused

"There is no rule saying I need to be married to have a son Mister Leehyun. " Jungkook replied, his eyebrow raised.

"Oh then what about your son, I mean-. I'm sorry " Leehyun decided to shut up.

"It's ok mister Lee being curious is not a crime. I am not married nor do I have a girlfriend"

"Yeah appa got no mama" Jihyun cheered like it's a good thing.
"He means he got no mama" Jungkook explained. "Same thing" Jihyun furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's not the same thing but anyway I think we should continue our discu- ssion before my son over here find a orphanage again or worst, an old age home for me" Jungkook blinked his eyes and gave a tight smile. He stood up and continued with the present- ation, Jihyun still wrapped all over him.


" Alright then, if anyone has a problem they can point it out now, Remember Everyone's opinion matter." Jungkook ended his speech, he put down the white board marker on the table from his left hand while his right hand was carefully resting on his sons back who was deeply in his sleep.

"No Hyung, Its perfect" Soobin replied. "Good then, I hope every one work according to the plan, Thank you for your precious time. You can go now " Jungkook bows his head a little, showing respect to the staff.

"Mister Park?" He called Jimin who was about to leave, his breath got stuck as he turned and stared at Jungkook who refused to meet his eyes and was looking at something in his phone.

"I know you have never sang before but I have really liked your voice and had chosen you instead of any other professional singer out there. I hope you work hard and do not dissapoint me. If you need any help, you can ask Yugyeom or me" Jungkook looked up, nodding his head at him. Jimin did the same.

"I will do my very best Mr z" he praised his self for not stuttering and practically ran out of the door not before mumbling a small "good bye"


Jungkook released a breath he didn't realised he was holding when Jimin left, he practically threw his phone on the table.

To be honest, He never thought Jimin could get more beautiful but then Park Jimin had always proved him wrong.

When he first entered the room and saw Jimin after such a long time he forgot how to breath, Jimin was looking so beautiful.
Jimin has always been the most perfect ma- ,The most perfect Human he had ever seen but Today, Today he looked even better with his black natural hairs and pinkish white skin,

A silder middle lip piercing was admiring his pink plump lips so perfectly. His brown eyes still had that glow in them. He was wearing a cute yellow tee-shirt, his favorite colour.

And the way those blue shorts hugged his thick thighs made him almost lose his sanity. He can write a whole damn book describing Jimins beauty and it won't be enough.

"Focus Jungkook Focus. You should not think about him, he is bad he hurted you, yeah I should hate him not admire him but- " He released a frustrated sign.

"Bro you K? Why are you talking to your own self, I'm still alive you know." Yugyeom who was busy on his phone said to him.
"It's nothing" Jungkook mumbled and shifted a little to let Jihyun sleep peacefully

"Is it about jimin?" Yugyeom said and looked up when Jungkook did not reply.

"Kook please don't let him effect you in anyway,You are a father now. You need to move on, if not for yourself then do it for your son,
I knew this wasn't a good idea but nobody listen to me." Yugyeom stared at him with worried eyes

"Don't worry bro, It will be ok, I'm fine.

End of chapter

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