Japan part 2

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"I can't really be a hero without a quirk uh" -izu says while leaving the building

"You there! What are you doing here?!" -owner

"Oh sorry! I didn't know being here was wrong" -izu

"Go away now or I will call the cops!" -owner

'Rude man' -izu thinks while leaving

Some time later


'What is it?' -izu

"Help! There is a villain taking a boy to be his host" - person

Izu- rans there


"Why aren't you guys doing nothing to help him!?" -izu

"Our quirks are not suitble to this situation"

'Izuku think! You have to help kachan! But what can I do to save him I don't have a quirk! I have to save kachan... save kachan! SAVE KACHAN!!'

And then... every thing started to levitate, the sludge villan was caugth in shock and because of that he loses his grip on katsuki making him fall

"Catch the boy!" -person

Izuku- looks and katsuki levitates too

The time Izuku saw his beloved one save and out of the villains grip everything started to come down slowly

"Izu" -kat said while running to zuku

"You have a quirk!!" -kat

"I- I do?!" -izu

"You saved me zuzu! You have a quirk now!" -kat

 "Lets go tell mom!... and aunty! and uncle!" -izu

Some time later at the quirk doctors

"You inded have a quirk Midoryia, it's like your mom's but stronger... it just needed a time when you got very stressed and that time was today! So, congratullations!" -quirk doctor

Two weeks later he got to his home after being with people he loves

"So now you have a quirk?" -Nezu

"Yes! It's teleknesis" -izu

"Very interesting" -Nezu

"Wait... how did you find out!?" -Izu

"Hacking on your phone" -nezu

"Don't do it again!" -izu

"No promises" -nezu


Sorry for the late update, it was my fault

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27 ⏰

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