Chapter 1

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The floor was coated with chips of plastic. The cute little red, blue, yellow rich-looking high quality pieces adorned the ground. Chipped and sliced down well, they were reduced from children's toys to scraps of plastic waste. Stuffed animals had the stuff beaten out of them with several limbs and body parts strewn all over the place, giving them their disfigured looks. Building blocks were overturned and faded, the letters that were initially carefully scrawled onto them were nothing more than faded writing on a block of wood. Paper filled with violent drawings provided the only real 'decoration' of the place with crayons and pens galore lost in their own little patches of plastic-filled ground. This was supposed to be a kids' bedroom, a place full of joy and hope, bliss coating it, a place where real world problems shouldn't have to exist. At least, that would be a normal kids' bedroom of a normal family. However, this family was anything but normal. If this was a movie set, the camera would be maneuvering to the next room to showcase the horrors there too but this isn't one so we'll just deal with it as it comes.

Moving into the kitchen, multiple limbs of dead people could be seen all over the place. With the teal fluorescent lighting, an uncomfortable vibe was given following the blood, body parts and other mysterious stuff that lay around the place. A couple of bugs could be seen crawling around, having their own little feast on the delicate remains of what seems to be human beings.

Moving away from the cannibalistic kitchen, the living room was hardly any better. It was dark and gloomy and had the head of several humans hung up on the wall, as the owner of the house proudly showcased their taxidermies. It was a little more neat than the kids' bedroom and the kitchen, that's at least something but it was still eerie.

The rest of the house was quiet but the most striking thing about the it and the most noteworthy thing to take away from it is the secret lab that existed in the bedroom of the house's eldest son. Now, I do not unfortunately have access to the secret lab, seeing as I'm just the narrator, so we kinda have to wait for the family to return to have access to that. Don't worry though dear reader, we'll get there eventually.

So, who exactly owns this house? Who are the dwellers who have set up in this very location? Well, dear reader, let me introduce you to the Latino family. Yes, their family name is 'Latino', no one knows why but oh well. At the moment, they're out with their own business so I can't quite give you a full introduction but do not fret. There will be plenty of screentime for them soon enough hehe...



Clouds surrounded the sky. The sun attempted to force its rays through to the Earth but the clouds did all in their powers to block it. Despite their best efforts though, a bit of sunlight still managed to slink through a couple of gaps in the clouds nonetheless. This created an interesting atmosphere, one not too bright yet one not too gloomy. This was the weather that Muto Yoshida found himself taking to the streets to, on his way to his grandma's funeral. It was the day he never wanted to experience, the day he'd been dreading since he was old enough to realize that old people die off quicker, the nightmare that was now reality, his grandma's passing. Now, I don't imagine anyone would be ecstatic upon hearing the news that their grandmama kicked the bucket, however, it hit differently for Muto. Muto grew up in a household in the hood. This meant that sentimental bullshit was not in massive stock and he barely received any from his family. That's not to say he didn't love them, he did, but his grandmother was a different breed. She was the kindest person he knew. The only person to genuinely care, other than Jim, if he wasn't feeling well. The only person who'd never let her grandbaby leave hungry. The only person who virtually has no haters. She was a saint and a beautiful person and the entire family loved her. Unfortunately, life catches up with people and it has done so in the most painful way possible. Muto was a tough guy. He was a fellow of short stature yet a very muscular build. He had scruffy black hair and shiny black eyes, accompanied with a round natural nose and shiny teeth. He was wearing a black tuxedo, fittingly dressed for the occasion. As his fancy dress shoes clonked on the ground rhythmically, he couldn't help but reminisce about his grandmother and the impact she had on his life. If not for her, he certainly wouldn't have a compassionate side to himself and he may not even be alive right about now. Wiping the small tear forming at the side of his left eye, he kept walking, professionally composing himself. There was...

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