Chapter 3

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School. No kid really likes school except the nerdiest of nerds and even those tend to be pretty young and don't know what they doing. Anyway, school was Muto's main court-ordered inquest for his childhood years. Now, Muto pretty much lived by himself. He had rented out this slum-looking house where all the apartments in it were essentially free. The lack of a cost and bills though came with the expense of the fact that the quality of housing was atrocious as water was hot and cold, electricity could randomly cut on and off and the apartment complex was filled with bugs and vermin. It was also mostly inhabited by new nerdy grown ups who didn't want to work real jobs as well as gangsters and homeless orphaned kids. Muto was on level terms with a lot of the people who lived here but he couldn't wait to finish from school, move out and live his best life. Muto's daddy was killed from a very young age by the corrupt police. This left his mama heartbroken. Looking at Muto would always remind her of her husband. This resulted in her less than stellar parenting, in which she made him feed off of breadcrumbs and would constantly whoop him with a belt and burn his back with her cigarettes. Eventually though, she disowned him and ran off with a rich guy and his older sister. Muto has escaped the orphanage, not wanting to stay at that accursed place and eventually secured his own spot, even if it was terrible.

Anyway, back to the story, Muto set off towards school. He lived on the 20th floor of his apartment complex so he was forced to go down a hella lot of stairs. There was an elevator but a sickening wretched smell invaded the metal capsule. Not to mention it was creaky as hell. The lift would literally shake if someone stepped in it and the screeching of the super rusty wire taking the lift up and down could be heard from inside the thing. Every now and then, the lift would just snap off and fall down so the old man who took care of the apartment complex kinda just strapped some duct tape on the wire to join it back together and call it a day. At this point, the lift wire had more tape than actual wire so that was naturally disastrous. Several casualties would occur every year, especially with people who just moved in and didn't know about the lift, but the old man manning the complex wouldn't be too bothered considering he could just nip in and steal whatever the dead person had, as well as it freeing up an apartment for someone else to come through. The police didn't bother intervening considering they were in the slummiest part of the hood, in which the police tended to turn a blind eye towards. This allowed people to just do whatever and get away with it. This also was a great place for major gangs like the Yakuza to gather and have meetings and stuff.

Anyway, Muto descended down the 20 flights of stairs. He came across a few people along the way including the old lady who was beating the dust off her clothes using a tennis racket, the crazy little kids running around who were obviously skipping school, the mysterious man who stood in the corner with his hat covering his face smoking a cigar, the fat man who was shouting on the phone vulgarly as he spoke to someone on the other end as well as the owner of the apartment complex who was dangerously careless with his weed whacker. Muto avoided most of these dangers and made his way out in the open. Many gangs hung out outside. Some of them were delinquents sitting around smoking with bats in their hands, some of them were actual gang members who stood around and tried to look threatening and then you had the little kids who looked harmless but who could jump you and rob you of everything you own if you messed with them. Muto was a well known name on these parts so no one really messed with him too much. They were aware of Muto's abilities and level of influence so ticking him off was clearly not an option. This made Muto a well respected figure around these parts. He had also helped a lot of people with their depression and family issues so many people were also grateful for him. Muto was quite an enigma wasn't he?

The walk to school was a little time consuming but Muto eventually reached his destination with minimal fuss. Muto was on his 10th year in school, meaning he needed to wait at least two more years before graduation could ensue. He was definitely more than willing to embrace adulthood seeing as his childhood was not necessarily the greatest, even if he still had about a year and a few before turning 18. Anyway, Muto went on to strut towards his class. Muto was a pretty up and down student when it came to when he arrived at school. Sometimes, he'd arrive early, other times late. At times it was a streak of this, and at others it was a streak of that. Muto was a bit of a problematic student, always getting in trouble in some way or another, so naturally, the principal was quite familiar with Muto and his antics. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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