Chapter 2

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Muto continued to rush to his destination. Acknowledging the sad situation, the clouds began to well up and release some light rain down from the sky. Muto didn't have an umbrella or anything to cover his head by considering he was wearing a suit so he just had to rush to the place of his grandma's casket. After around 15 minutes of rushing, he finally made it to his destination. Muto was hardly in his best shape, with his tuxedo all wet and messed up and he being out of breath but he figured it didn't really matter too much as bigger issues prevailed. The Yoshida family were all gathered at the house of their eldest. Muto's grandma and grandpa had been living in this very house for around half a century and it was very symbolic in the Yoshida household. It was a decent looking house, two stories tall, which had a massive array of bedrooms which Muto's grandma always liked to pride herself on being welcoming to all. Many of the Yoshida Fam would arrive to bank out at her place if they were ever in a pickle. It was sort of a headquarters for the Fam and Muto's genius inventor cousin, Sweeni, had also equipped the place with a secret labatory, they could use for hideouts or strategy for whatever was going on in the world. It was a brilliant base and yet, it was also going to be remembered as the house that held the casket of Sakura Yoshida, Muto's grandmama. Taking a deep breath, Muto brushed himself down in an attempt to look presentable and made his way up to the entrance. Knocking on the door, he saw he was a little late but he figured it wouldn't matter seeing as they were all here to simply witness the casket one last time before burial. Many cars were parked alongside the house and on the road as a lot of people who associated with her were there at her place. After a few moments of waiting, the door finally opened for Muto as the face of his cousin Sweeni came into view.

"Hey what's good man." Sweeni nodded at Muto.

Sweeni was quite a short figure. Very short actually, about the height of a middle schooler, despite being a teenager, same age as Muto. He had a buzzcut alongside black eyes and a soft looking face. He was also decked out in all black like Muto. He was a genius inventor and always made awesome inventions which he supplied Muto and the Fam in general with. The only flaw about him was that he was a bit of a perv, well, a bit is kinda underestimating it, he was a massive perv. He would always crack sex jokes and even though he made amazing inventions, a lot of them did center around having sex. He did at least make good money from his Vibrator 3000 devices but the less said about that the better.

"Hey what's good. Sorry I'm late." Muto said as he walked through the doorway.

There were a cluster of people inside the house. Some of them were people Muto knew while others were people he didn't, most likely friends of her grandma and possibly her other family. The atmosphere was predictably heavy and people were quietly chatting with each other left and right. Some people sat alone in atonement while others were weeping and sobbing somewhere where Muto assumed to be next to the casket.

"Um... She... Actually dead?" Muto asked Sweeni semi-hopefully.

"Sadly yeah. Her body in the guestroom if you want to see her." Sweeni pointed out.

Muto sighed as he made his way through the cluster of people. A few people stopped him and gave him their condolences which he accepted gracefully. He then made his way over to the casket. A couple of ladies were sitting by her side weeping and sobbing and yelling things like 'Why did it have to be her?!!!!'. Muto had to gently remove a few people out of his way so he could stand by his grandma's side. He had seen several bodies in his lifetime but he had never witnessed the death of someone who he considered dear to him. Looking down at his grandma's body in the casket, only her face and arms were shown. The rest of her body was wrapped up in white cotton, or whatever the white thing was. Muto took a deep breath and touched his grandma's cheek. He shuddered as he did so, seeing it so cold and lifeless. He pulled back his hand and stepped away from the casket, not wanting to look at her dead body any longer, leaving the weeping women to continue weeping about the irreversible past, the spilt milk which sadly, no one could unspill...

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