Edward and Jacob Part Five

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I want to thank everyone for commenting, it really makes my day, and I continue writing so thanks everyone!!!


Bella knew Jacob was lieing because he wouldn't look at her in the eye. Plus he said it in a very doubtful voice.

"Lies, Jacob you can tell me anything, isn't that what friends are for?," she smiled reassuringly at him, holding his hand, which surprisingly didn't feel as warm as it used to.

"I know Bella but sometimes a person needs to keep some stuff to himself. And I'm fine, honest," he said, and he forced himself to smile. To Bella he had a fake smile plastered on his face.

"You promise?,"she said still holding his hand. He turned his face, and it was obvious that he wouldn't promise.

"Bella I need to patrol now," he said coldly, breaking his hand away from hers. Bella knew that he wouldn't tell her.

"Fine," Jacob then walked swiftly outside, and to Bella he was fast. Too fast, fast like Edward. Fast like a vampire. Bella rolled her eyes at that thought; he'd never be a vampire she thought, walking to her truck.


Something was up with Jacob- he was faster than he was before, he wasn't hungry at all, he would do stuff that he could never have done.

"Hey Jake, I need you to patrol! Billy told me you were sick, but we need you, the pack isn't the same without you," Sam boomed as he walked on Jacob who was in the garage leaning on his motorcycle.

"Ok," was all he said quietly, and Sam raised his eyebrows in surprisement. Jacob usually greeted him brightly, talking on and on about his love Bella.

"Hey you okay?," he asked, and he reached over and laid his hand on his back as if to comfort him, but the moment he did, Jacob jumped away from his touch and he snarled at him, "Don't you ever touch me again or I'll kill you!," he threatened, and Sam had to admit he looked scary- there was something different about him-

"I'm sorry, go patrol," he ordered, acting the big man he is. Jacob glared at him until he left. Jacob ran, leaped and phased.

As he ran in wolf form, he smelled it- Edward's scent. He started to panic- he didn't want to see him now or ever again. Wait a minute, I'm a werewolf, why am I scared?! He thought.

He decided to rip him up in shreds, he didn't care if Bella never talked to him for the rest of his life. As long as the satisfaction for seeing Edward dead was good enough.

Getting closer to the scent, he pounced, teeth bared and claws ready-

And he did topple the vampire down. When he got a look of his face, he whined. It wasn't Edward- it was Jasper.

Jasper felt Jacob's emotions confused. That's when Jasper looked at the wolf's eyes which were red- very red. Red like a newborn vampire.

"Your eyes are red," Jasper said gripping the wolf's front legs. Jacob shoves Jasper away, panicking again. He ran away, got dressed, and ran back to Jasper, he didn't care if he was a vampire or the brother of Edward.

"What do you mean they're red?!," he said, breathing rapidly. Jasper who had been hunting wiped his mouth in case he had blood on it. He stared at Jacob's eyes- it was now brown.

"They were red when you phased, but they're brown now, we should go ask Carlisle about that-,"

"NO!," Jacob yelled. He was never going anywhere NEAR Edward Cullen. Jasper who felt Jacob's emotions scared, he suddenly felt the urge to help Jacob- there was something about him-

Jacob was now walking away fast when Jasper instinctively grabbed his arm, but then Jacob turned around and punched him on the face. Hard.

Letting go, Jasper rubbed his nose, it didn't hurt but it stung.

"What was that for?!,"he asked, trying to be calm.

"For touching me! No one touches me!," Jacob yelled, running away very fast.

"Jazz!!! Your future disappeared and I came to see if you were oka- what happened?!," Alice exclaimed, who had heard shouts and Jasper's future disappearing before her eyes.

Jasper who was on the floor looked up at her and getting up.

"Sorry Alice, I was hunting and I fell," he lied. Alice let it pass this time.

"Okay....lets go back," she suggested, and he nodded once.

He still kept wondering about Jacob, how he was terrified when Jasper touched his arm.

Something was up, and Jasper planned to get to the bottom of it.


Back at the Cullen's, Bella was sitting next to Edward, who was focusing on every thought of Rosalie's because she was suspicious.

Suddenly Alice and Jasper showed up, and the moment he entered, Edward excused himself from Bella and dragged Jasper outside.

"Edward I don't know why you should be affected by what happened to me with Jacob, I thought you hated him," Jasper said, surprised that Edward's main emotion was protectness over Jacob.

"I never said I hate Jacob," Edward said who was reading Jasper's mind.

"Well then why are you concerned for his well- being? You've never cared for him that much before," Jasper crossed his arms.

"Well now I do!," snarled Edward. Then when Jasper showed Edward the broken new Jacob in his mind, Jasper felt a strong emotion from Edward- sorrow. Then something clicked in his mind- Edward had done something to him. But what?

Edward who had heard Jasper think that, tensed. He didn't know if he should tell him that he raped.....Jacob.

No he wasn't going to tell anyone.

Edward left Jasper there, walking back home.

"Edward what's wrong?," Bella said, walking to him and grabbing his hand. When she did that, Edward felt her skin warm, but not as warm as Jacob's. Her face wasn't as good-looking as Jacob's. He leaned in to kiss her, thinking about Jacob, when he took it overboard- he forgot that Bella was only human.

He admited it- he wanted Jacob at that moment. He wants Jacob actually.

Jasper who sensed Edward's immediate lust as he entered the room,began to get suspicious. Edward never felt that way for Bella, and he had to talk to Jacob ASAP.


So that was part five I'll probably upload today anyways but please comment?? Thx 4 reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2013 ⏰

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