Chapter 10. I Promise you this.

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Damiano's pov

We were waiting for any news for hours now, but we still got nothing. Ethan and Vic tried to calm me down, but I did not give up. I am so worried about Lu with every bone in my body, I hope that she's alright. After waiting a much longer time, we saw her doctor coming near us. We all stood up with worry, and fear painted on our faces.

Doctor Ziegler: Are you here for Luciana Amari?
Yes!!! We all said at the same time. How is she?? Is she alright? I screamed of impatiens.

Doctor Ziegler: Yes, miss Amari, is alright, her sugar levels had dropped that's why she lost her conscience. Did any of you know that she's a type 1 diabetic?
WHAT??!! We all shouted at once with disbelief in our voices.
Considering your reaction, I suppose you did not know. Doctor, is there a possibility for us to see her? I asked.

Doctor Ziegler: Yes, but only one person because Miss Amari needs to rest.

Vic: In which room is she?

Doctor Ziegler: In 580.
Excuse me.

Thomas: Dam, I think you should go see her.

- Of course, I will. I just don't understand why she did not tell us about her condition. I did not know and I couldn't help her. This is all my fault, she's like this because of me.

Ethan: Don't blame yourself, none of us knew.

Vic: Yes, Ethan is right. We did not know it, so how could we prevent it?

-You're right, I'm going to see her.

Abby: Okay, we'll wait here.

I stood up from the chair where I was anxiously sitting for the past 3 in a half hours and made my way to the elevator. I pressed the number 5 and waited for the door to open on the fifth floor, when it did, I made my way to my girlfriend's hospital room. I slightly knocked and opened the door. I came in and saw her laying in bed sleeping. She looked so beautiful and peaceful as I sat on the chair next to her bed, I saw her opening her eyes. With a weak voice, she said my name, I hated seeing her like this so I took her hand in mine and started crying.

Luciana: Babe, why are you crying? She asked once again with her weak voice.

- I'm so sorry, for not helping you when you needed me the most. I said between the sobs.

Luciana: Love, it's okay.

- Why didn't you tell me that you have diabetes?

Luciana: Because I'm still not used to it and it's hard for me to talk about.

- Oh okay, but you can always talk to me, I'm here for you and I'll always be.

Luciana: I know, babe, and I am sorry for not telling you about my condition.

- Don't worry about it, but are you feeling okay? Does anything hurt? Do you want or need something?

Luciana: I'm feeling fine, nothing hurts, but could you give me a glass of water?

- Okay, I'm glad, yes, I'll get it.

Luciana: Thanks, babe.
She took a few sips of the water in
the glass and put it on the counter.
While we were talking and holding hands, her doctor came into the room.

Doctor Ziegler: Hey, miss Amari, how are you feeling?

Luciana: I'm feeling great.

Doctor Ziegler: Let's check your insulin, could you lift your shirt, please?
I walked to the window, while the doctor was checking my girlfriend.
Okay, miss Amari, everything looks great. You can go home, just don't forget to check your insulin intake and change the tab how I taught you, okay?

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