Chapter 5. Hate truns into love.

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Short author's note.
This chapter contains mentions and conversations about rape and sexual molestation. Skip the parts where it's mentioned.
I hope you will like this chapter, happy reading!!!!

We are just friends??

Damiano: Yes.

In my opinion, friends don't go kissing each other.

Damiano: Well, they do now.

Great. (Sarcastically) Can you leave me alone?

Damiano: Yeah, sure. But just don't forget that I'm always here for you and you can always talk to me.

Thanks. (I rolled my eyes)
Damiano softly pecked my cheek and left the room. What a hell is he doing to me? He's so unpredictable, once he's sweet and kind, then he's using me? Why is he like this? Ughh I hate him so much!! I'll call Maja tomorrow to organize everything for my departure. I don't want to leave Vic, Thomas, and Ethan, I will deeply miss them, but I just can't stand Damiano. Just one question is running through my mind: why is he such a jerk?!
Enough of worrying, I have to sleep now. I lay in my bed and instantly fell asleep.

*The next day*

I woke up very early around 7 am. I took a shower, picked out my outfit, and started to pack my suitcase. Then I got a call from my manager.

Maja: Good morning, sweetheart, how are you?

Hey, Maja, I'm okay. I do have a quick question for you more like a favor to ask.

Manager: Of course, baby. What is it?

Can you organize my departure?

Maja: Yeah, but why and when do you want to leave? Did Damiano do something to you? He's a bit questionable in my opinion.
She laughed.

I want to leave today in the afternoon if it's possible, he's just a big jerk and I hate him so much.

Manager: I'll look at what I can do, I'll call you later.

Okay, thanks. Bye.

Maja: Bye, darling.

After the call, I continued to pack my suitcase. When I was done, I walked downstairs to grab a snack for the flight. Oh, hey Vic.

Vic: Buongiorno, Luciana. What are you doing up this early?

I couldn't sleep, why are you up?

Vic: I and others need to go to the recording studio in 1 hour, but still only I am awake

Oh, good luck.

Vic: You can come with us if you want.

No, but thanks.

Vic: Okay. Can you help me to wake them up? I will go to Thomas and Ethan while you to Damiano.

Why do I have to go to Damiano? Can I go to Ethan while you to Damiano and Thomas?

Vic: Fine, but you don't have to be so rude.

I'm sorry.

Vic: It's okay.
I and Victoria walked upstairs, she went to Thomas's room while I went to Ethan's where I saw my dear best friend sleeping with the hottest drummer ever. Wow, they are so adorable. I quietly tiptoed to their bed and slowly shook them. After a few minutes, they woke up. Good morning, lovebirds. It's time to wake up, Ethan you have to be in a recording studio in less than an hour.

Abby: Good morning, baby.

Ethan: Buongiorno, cutie.
(They kissed).

Ethan: Wait? What time is it?

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