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cold.. it's really cold. i'm on my knees, i can feel the snow freezing my legs.

my hands tremble on my lap, they're covered in blood. there's so much going around me. ambulance and police sirens, shouting voices, people walking all around my house.

the blood dripping off my hands. tinting the white snow in red. my tears make my vision blurry.

i lift up my gaze and i can see a man standing in the distance, wearing all black.


a strong hand touches my shoulder and i scream in panic.

i open my eyes in shock, slowly blinking to get used to the bright light. i'm lying down, with something attached to my arm. where am i?

i look around, and i find jungkook, jihye and hani sleeping on a couch to my left. they kinda look funny all squashed together like that.

i sit up, letting out a soft groan. my head feels so much better now.

jungkook is the first one that opens his eyes and notices i woke up. he quickly sits up straight as well.
"y/n, how are you feeling?"

i look at him. he has huge eye bags and his hair is a disaster. his shirt has blood stains, my blood?

"i'm fine, jungkook."

"you scared the hell out of us, y/n.."

"i'm.. i'm sorry.."
i say looking away, but he walks towards me and takes my chin, making me face him. that simple move reminds me of jimin.

"don't apologize.. it wasn't your fault, silly."

"i barely remember last night.."

"i found you unconscious in jihye's arms. i was so scared."
he looks at me, still worried.

"what happened yesterday..? even before the accident, you weren't feeling okay."

"don't worry about it jungkook, stop worrying about me."

he caressed my cheek softly.
"don't ask me to do the impossible."

that makes me smile but my eyes notice the blood stains again.
"why? what happened to your shirt?"

"oh.. that's your blood. i had to carry you here."

"i bled?"

"yeah, your nose.. silly. but just a little, it was totally fine."

i look at him and speak honestly.
"thank you, jungkook."

he smiles.
"i couldn't let my weirdo die.."
i roll my eyes and he laughs softly.

in a matter of seconds, jihye pushes jungkook away and takes my hand.
"how do you feel? do you remember me?"

"of course i do."

"thank god! i was just making sure that you didn't have amnesia or something, you know.. because if your head.."

i can't help but giggle.

"i'm glad you're okay, y/n.."
hani says from the couch and i give her a small smile. i was sure she didn't care about me, but at least she's here.

"are we in a hospital?"

jihye speaks with a spooky voice.
"in the third floor."


"smooth, very smooth."
jungkook added.

"are we really?"

jungkook takes my hand.
"relax, you're only here because this is where they have the observation room and the best medical equipment."

"and what about the principal? does she know about this? are we in trouble?"

"don't worry, the doctor here is very nice. he wrote a report saying that jihye found you unconscious in the school hallway."
jungkook explained.

"and what about you? how did you explain your presence here?"

"even though we're in the third floor, we're in the male's side of the building. don't worry, everything is fine."

that calms me down a little.
"you should all go and rest then, you've already done enough for me."

jungkook smiles kindly.
"let us know if you need anything, the doctor is at the other side of the door."
he gives me one last glance before leaving with jihye, but hani stays behind, playing nervously with her fingers.

"look y/n, i know we didn't have the best start, and i admit it was all my fault."
she started tucking her hair behind her ear.
"can we start all over again?"

i smile and she smiles back softly.

"thank you. rest well."
and with that, she leaves too.

i let out a soft sigh, remembering the night before. who was that boy? by any chance.. is he.. related to that horrible night?

i yawn, feeling tired, and i close my eyes falling asleep just in a few minutes.

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