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a few days later..

i walk with fast steps across the long hospital corridor.
i couldn't believe it.

when yoongi told me jihye was alive and recovering, i couldn't believe if.

i begged them to let me come and visit her, at least once. they initially denied, saying that it was too soon, that seeing her in this condition could only make me feel worse, that it was too risky because i could tell her something that i shouldn't.

but how could i not come to see her after finding out she's alive? her, the one who has been there for me from the very start in that madhouse, the one who, looking at ourselves in the mirror, we promised we would get better together and the one who had to suffer all this only because she was.. my friend.

this is the least i can do for my friend.

so after insisting for a few days, they finally allowed me to come, only with one condition. i can't tell her the truth, no one can know the truth.

for everyone else, i still habe to be the victim, the girl whose parents got killed by a serial killer and lost her memories.

jimin and yoongi came up with the perfect plot that i could tell her to explain how i was there, so that everything would makes sense.

my hands shake a little as i stop in front of her room. i let out a long breath before opening the door and walk inside.

as soon as i step inside, a pair of brown eyes meet mine, growing in complete shock.

i feel my heart clenching as used jihye laying on the bed, with a white bandage on the left side of her chest.

but she isn't alone.
another pair of eyes turn to look at me.


jihye brings her hands to her mouth as her eyes fill up with tears, and jungkook just stays there with his eyes wide open, trying to assimilate what he's seeing.

i feel my own eyes filling with tears seeing them both again.
my feet move on their own as i run to hug them, embracing them both in a tight hug.

"oh.. i thought i'd never see you again."
i cry and they immediately return the hug, their arms embracing me as i feel jihye crying on my shoulder.

"i can't believe you're here, i've missed you so much."
their voices shake a little.
"we've all been terrified thinking of what could be happening to you, you've scared us to death."

i separate myself from them, tears already falling down my cheeks as well, my heart aching.

"i'm so so sorry.. i'm sorry i made you worry, i'm sorry i made all this happen.."
i look at jihye, my hands trembling in hers.
"jihye, i'm so sorry i did this to you.. you nearly died because of me, i-"

she shakes her head.
"you weren't the one who pulled the trigger, y/n, this wasn't your fault.."

"but if i-"

she holds my face with her hands.
"no, you were the target of that psychopath, you were just another victim in all this. we were both deceived, we both fell in his games, we had no idea this would happen."
she cleans my tears.
"so don't blame yourself, okay? if we have to blame someone it would only be him, and our stupid naiveness."

even with that, i can't help but still feel guilty, all this situation happened because of me. if she wouldn't have become my friend.. this wouldn't have happened to her.

"stop putting that expression on, right now we should be celebrating. i am alive and you are here, safe and away from him."

i meet her eyes as a sad smile lifts my lips. the way in which she can think so positively after going through all this is, is truly admirable.
"you're right, what's important is that you're alive and well. look at you, you look so healthy."

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