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i lay down, trying to relax and not to think about anything.. but my mind keeps showing my jimin, even that boy taehyung and jungkook.. eve that patient yoongi, on the third floor.

"he will come for you."

his words kept lingering in my mind.
i still can't believe how much he knew about me. what if he knows the killer? is that possible?

i'm starting to consider going to speak to him again. he's definitely dangerous, if not, he wouldn't be locked up like that. there's no way i'll be able to go up there again without authorization.

an idea crosses my mind and i quickly make my way to speak with dr. kim.


i step inside, and he doesn't bother to hide his surprises expression.

"y/n.. what.. a surprise. what brings you here?"

"there's something i want to talk to you about."

"i've been told about your incident the other night. i'm glad you're okay."

"thank you.. but that's not what i came here for."

he looks at me curious and i take a seat in front of him.
"when i was during observation in the third floor.."
i proceed to explain what happened, how i spoke to yoongi and the things he told me.

"he seems to know a lot about my parents' killer, so i was wondering if i could go and speak to him again, just one more time."

"y/n, patients in the third floor are very dangerous. as your psychologist, i wouldn't like you to have any contact with him."

"but he might know something."

"or he's just playing with your mind."
dr. kim tilted his head.

"please just once, i can talk to him from outside. and you can be there supervising. i just want to find the monster that killer my parents."

"y/n, that's probably exactly what he wanted, to make you go back to him. manipulation is one of his strengths, he can get in your head, play with you and that's how he obtains satisfaction."

"i won't be in danger if you're there and he's locked up."

"you're very stubborn, y/n."

i knew this was going to be hard, so i pull out another type of pressure.
"if i involve the police, they will surely get an order to interrogate him if i tell them he knows something, right?"

that makes him go silent.

"but he will probably not want to reveal anything to them, but maybe he will to me. please, put yourself in my shoes."

dr. kim let's out a long sigh and massages his temples.
"okay.. i will speak to the doctors in the third floor. i'll try my best to let you speak to him."

"thank you so much doctor, i really appreciate it."


i walk back to my room with higher hopes now. i lay down on my bed and wish for my parents to be here. i feel so miserably lonely since they left. i never realized how much i loved them until they were gone.

a knock on the door crumbles up my thoughts again.

"y/n. it's me."

"oh jihye, come in."

she comes in, closing the door behind her.
"how are you? i just came to check how you're feeling."

"thank you. i'm feeling a lot better."

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