Wei Wuxian x pregnant reader

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IT happened again, today you heard the words you were once again pregnant with the Yiling patriarch's son, but that didn't scare you. You knew Wei Wuxian isn't an evil man and he only saves you with his demonic power that Jiang Cheng often warned him to stop using because it will affect his heart.

You were skipping home to tell your husband that you are carrying his child, and just the thought of you telling him he would be a father soon, you believe he would be happy. You have to hold your nose when you smell burnt food being created in the kitchen where you live with Jiang Cheng, and your husband. Quickly Jiang Cheng yells at you when he sees you '' y/n you are carrying Wuxian's child you have to remain walking so far, yesterday you walked all the way to Gusu, and I had to bring you home on my sword while carrying you '' he said.

'' Oh yeah thank you for bringing me home, I just wanted to look around for my best friend to see he would be there, Lan Xichen, your boyfriend and I wanted to see him'' you said. '' Y/n for the last time we are not dating; just because we're closer than we were before it doesn't mean we are dating '' he said, and suddenly you stop making fun of him when you see Zidian, his purple ring that shoots lighting on his finger.

'' As you can see I am great, I am always cheerful, and also I know to sit down because I am pregnant, and I also know not to drink'' you said. '' Wuxian should be here soon, so stay here in this room you will be safer in my room'' he said. '' I will see if I can fetch Wuxian so he can finally hear that you are carrying his child, or have you not spoken with him yet'' he asked? '' Well I couldn't he is also in Gusu '' you said.

'' That man is in Gusu, did you run into him there'' he asked? '' I only did find out I was carrying his child and now I am hearing I am pregnant again from everyone here, and even from you, perhaps he probably will come back tomorrow or tonight I will await him until then '' you said. '' Await him until then, what if he doesn't even return we are the only family you have left since your parent's died fighting Wen Ruohan if he does not appear here today I may kill him and then I will be the only family you have left with Jing Ling '' he said.

Another day begins and likewise you were waiting for your husband. Yet, also you didn't see Jiang Cheng and that was odd because you would normally see him in the mornings, but that only became more frequent because you were now pregnant and that he cares about your well-being. Suddenly the door to your room busts open and you see someone becomes tossed inside the room, and suddenly you look up to see Wei Wuxian, and Jiang Cheng together, but Wuxian was on the floor looking confused '' brother why did you kidnap me from Gusu this morning, and land me back here'' he asked?

Jiang Cheng kicks him in the butt with his right shoe '' because I felt like it'' he said, and he walks out the door, and slams the door behind him. You help your husband off the floor and kiss his lips, and this nose before replying '' welcome home '' you said. Wuxian only smiles happily '' hello my wife'' he said. He also kisses you on his lips and he was chuckling when he suddenly walks away from you and grabs a bottle of Emperor's smile behind Jiang Cheng's bed.'' Jiang Cheng banned alcohol here, but he also drinks it '' he said, he was about to drink it when you stop him by taking the jug with your right hand. Wuxian only looks at you sadly, and Jiang Cheng busts inside the room '' y/n have you told him yet'' he asked? You turn towards Jiang Cheng with his arms crossed, and you smile at your husband '' dear, I'm pregnant '' you said, and smile.

'' Pregnant, what does that mean'' your husband asked? '' Wuxian it means she is carrying your child in her stomach '' Jiang Cheng said. '' I can't believe you didn't know what she meant'' Jiang Cheng said sighing. Wei Wuxian points at your stomach '' yes, pregnant '' you said also smiling. Suddenly you yelp when Wuxian's swirls you in his arms and you were afraid your head was going to hit the ceiling'' now our family can grow'' Wei Wuxian said. '' Yes, and it will'' you said.

Nine months later you give birth with Lan Xichen, and Jiang Cheng at your side in bed while your husband Wei Wuxian holds his son '' his name will be Kai Wuxian '' you and Wei Wuxian say, and smile. Kai has the same facial appearance as your husband, but he has your eyes '' he is really cute'' Lan Xichen smiled, and you reply '' yes, he is '' you smile and giggle.

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