baby boy

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sevyn ayorii daviss LA • CA 8:21 pm

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sevyn ayorii daviss
8:21 pm

" boy pass me the beans " I said reaching my hand out

" here you look like one too , bean head ass nigga " he mumbled the last part

" what you say nigga ?" I said turning around from the stove

" nun , finish making the food , I'm hungry as a bitch " he said walking over to the barstool

" acting like you don't eat at home " I said laughing shaking my head , that's when I got a text from kori


bestooo😘💕 : heyy baby how you been

heyyy boo , I've been good I miss uuuu

bestooo😘💕 : I miss you too , I heard mir over there

bitch is that the only reason u texted ?

bestooo😘💕 : hell nah , oops my man out the bathroom bye

bye hoe 😂


I put my phone on the counter as I started laughing , and walked back over to the stove to continue stirring the beans , that's when mir spoke up.

" who got you laughing ?" he said looking up from his phone

" umm nosy much?" I said keeping my back turned to him

that's when I felt strong arms going around my neck and felt my body being turned around.

" Ian gon ask again sevyn " he said looking at me dead in my eyes

" It was just kori , tooda told her that you was over here " I said turning my face away

I didn't realize I was standing on my tippy toes till he let me go

" mm okay don't get fucked up sevyn " he said grabbing his keys

" wait you leaving me " I said finishing up the rest of the food , putting a top on everything

" no I'm finna slide to the store , you coming ?" he said looking over at me

" yesssss lemme put my slides on " I said running upstairs and grabbing my slides and a jacket

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