weird bitch onna block

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sevyn ayorii daviss la • ca 10:08 pm

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sevyn ayorii daviss
la • ca
10:08 pm

" alright i'm getting in the house now , imma talk to you later " i told maya as i walked into my house

" okay bye boo , love you " she said

" love you too " i said as i ended the call

i had just got home from my moms house , helping her do a little cleaning and catching up

" mirrr " i yelled through mirs house

" yo ass get a key to my shi and find any reason to use it" mir said coming down the stairs

" you damn right " i said as i put my purse down and took my shoes off

" it smell good in here what you make ?" i asked mir as i walked over and kissed him

" shit some oxtails , mashed potatoes and green beans " he said licking his lips as he kissed me back

" ouu okay you doing yo big one or whatever " i said " okay well imma go take a shower , so lemme get one of yo shirts please " i asked him

" mane you know where they at " he said walking to the kitchen

" okay whatever " i said walking up the stairs to mirs room

i walked into his room and into his closet grabbing one of his polo shirts and some of my shorts

i walked into the bathroom putting my bonnet on , beginning to wash my face

once i finished washing my face i hopped in the shower

32 minutes later ..

once i was out the shower i wrapped myself in my towel and made my way to mirs room

he was in the room on the game so i sat down and started getting dressed

notification from instagram [2cuteshayla] sent you a story ..

" did i tell you what happened the other day ?" i asked mir

" nah what happened " he asked me still focused on the game

" so you know the girl alani , the girl tooda took to the fair with us she still fucking with her ex and he was the one who paid for her nails the other day " i told mir

" so ole girl playing tooda ? damn my nigga can't get no love " mir said laughing

" but i'm not sure how to tell him " i confessed to mir

" well that's yo brother , and you know how to ride for that nigga just let that shit flow " he told me

" okay baby " i said to him as i slid my socks on

i folded up my towel up and walked to the bathroom putting it on the hook

" i'm kinda hungry " i said going on my phone

" whatchu want to eat ?" mir asked looking at me

" that's the thing i don't know , i just want chips" i told him

" nigga that ain't food " he said laughing

" yes it is , mind the business that pays your bills " i playfully said

" whatever lightskin " he said laughing

" come lay down with me please " i said putting my phone down

" ight one more game and imma play whichu " he said still focused on the game

" yeah whatever " i said getting up and walking downstairs to the kitchen

i opened up his fridge seeing he had just went grocery shopping

either his mom went or he went with her , cause we all know niggas don't like buying real food

i grabbed some strawberries and cut them up before putting them in a bowl and going back upstairs seeing mir turning the game off

" whatchu got ?" he asked coming over to kiss me

" some strawberries , you want some ?" i offered showing him the bowl

" yeah lemme get one " he said taking one and eating it as i smiled big

" whatchu smiling foe ?" he asked looking down at me

" i don't even know , you just so handsome to me " i told him licking my lips

" thank you baby " he said laughing as we got in bed and went to sleep


heyyyy how y'all liking shattered heart 🙎🏽‍♀️?

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