Chapter One - The Call

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"Taylor, you're on in five!" Someone yells across the doorway to my dressing room.

As I look in the mirror, I see all of my imperfections and folded skin around my eyes. It's hard to say that my seventy-four years of living has treated me kindly; it hasn't. But all I can
do is keep my painted face up and show the people a smile, even if it's fake.

I walk onto the brightly lit stage with the reporter reading his queue cards and chaos roaring behind the cameras. People yelling and mic chords being thrown around god knows where. An employee walks up to me to put a mic under my shirt and for me, personally, he stood there a little too long, looking at me a little too closely, touching me in ways I didn't ask to be touched. I chose to pick my battles wisely a long time ago and not say anything unless I felt absolutely threatened. Sure it's not the best for me or in fact, any other woman, but at least it kept my name out of the paper.

As soon as I sit down, the room turns silent. I took a deep breath and for the first time since I've been here I've felt calm. That is until the reporter open his mouth.

"3... 2... 1..."

"Good Morning Nashville! Taylor Swift is here with us to answer questions that have been unanswered for decades."

And just like that I was pushed out into the world for all of them to see without them actually asking how I felt. I was taken out of my calmness.

"So Taylor, how have you been since Taylor Lautner's passing? I assume you must be heartbroken since you two appeared close to each other in the media." He asked with fake sincereness that you could smell from a mile away.

"Well, yes, obviously I'm devastated. He was one of my dear friends that-" He interrupted me before I even got the chance to answer his question.

"Yes we saw in late of 2026, that he attended your wedding with Mr. Joe Alwyn in London. Beautiful venue by the way! We also saw Harry Styles was present as well. I always thought it was interesting how you invited two of your ex-boyfriends to your wedding. I'm sure the people at home also think that." He can barely make eye contact while saying absolute nonsense and smiling at the camera.

"That was decades ago..." I tried to think of his name but I'm not sure he ever told me; maybe I forgot to ask.

"Yes but the viewers are wondering that if Harry Styles or Taylor Lautner were so important to you, then why did you end up with a D-list actor like Joe Alwyn?" He asks, as if that was a respectable, appropriate question to ask.

I think it took everything inside of me to not erupt in front of every single camera in this damn studio. But then I remember that is exactly what they want. They want me to make a fool of myself and ruin my reputation... again. I should have known they were going to get their front page tabloid whether I answered their questions or not.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back." I say with a smile on my face and immediately take off my microphone. I've been in my fair share of rude interviews but I think this takes the cake. My assistant comes walking towards me asking where I'm going, as if she doesn't already know.

"Just to the bathroom. Tell them I'll be right back!" Daisy's a nice girl but I have never met someone more clueless than her.

I make my way through the corridor and lock the door to the bathroom. I see myself in the mirror again and see a tear shed down my face. I wiped it away faster than it came down and took a deep breath in.

And then it hit me... I know what I have to do. I began to pull my heels off and open up the main window. I lift up the glass to reveal the fresh air blowing in my face and for once I can finally breathe again.

Illicit Affairs: The Swift SagaWhere stories live. Discover now