Chapter Three - Sorrow

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I sat there in shock, it felt like my ears were ringing and I was slowly sinking to the bottom of the dark ocean. He lay there hooked up to many machines, his IV still dripping. It was silent, until I snapped back to reality by Jack shaking me like a mad woman. I couldn't even cry, I think it was more anger than sadness. How could... Joe.. My Joe, leave me. It almost enraged me, I couldn't be without him, he was the other half of my heart that I didn't have now. That itself shattered me into a million pieces on the inside.

The doctor looked at me, fear almost caught in his eyes as he cleared his throat to speak to me. "Mrs. Swift, I hate to say this.. your husband is officially pronounced braindead. You can choose to keep him on the machines, or let him off of the life support, which is the only thing keeping him.. breathing at this point." The doctor almost hesitated to say 'alive' . Technically at this moment.. he really wasn't.

I looked at Jack, my life-long best friend. My eyes were bloodshot and glossy, I was ready to cry but I kept it in. I could not cry. It's something I always told myself that. Jack looked at me with those eyes that said ' do what's best ' and I did know what I had to do, but it would break me more than I already was from the beginning. I walked over to the side of the bed and sat down in the chair. Reaching my hand over, I held his hand.. it was still warm and smooth.

I looked at the doctor with his clipboard and nodded, signaling him to pull it. He didn't speak a word before he came over, slowly unhooking all of the machines. I looked away, and down at my lap as I shook my tears away. Looking back up to Joe, he took his last few breaths, then his chest stopped moving. The machine signaled he had flatlined. Thats when the tears finally came to my eyes, I let them out, they kept coming for what felt like an eternity.

"I have, and always will love you, Joe Alwyn."

I left the room, holding Jack's hand tightly, my eyes still red and my cheeks puffy from crying so much

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I left the room, holding Jack's hand tightly, my eyes still red and my cheeks puffy from crying so much. I couldn't believe he was actually gone; my last piece of sanity that I felt like I had. Jack had stayed silent the whole way down to the ground floor of the hospital, my limo waiting for me under the awning of the hospital entrance.

When I got to the door, he opened the door for me. I got in and looked up at Jack. He was looking at me with those sad eyes that I had as well. Then I finally decided to speak. "Tell the driver to go to my publicist." I said, my voice was hoarse from shedding so many tears. Jack leaned down and hugged me tightly. "Be strong, Taylor." He said before letting go and smiling at me. He closed the car door and went up front. Telling the driver where to head to. Jack finally closed the door, heading to his own car.

Before I realized the car had started, going off into the direction I asked. I closed my eyes and inhaled. My lungs felt like they were filled with flames, and I couldn't breathe. My mouth tasted sour, with.. Sorrow. I couldn't shake the taste either. I had already started wondering when I would get his ashes back. I was thinking too much into it already, it hadn't even been a damn day.. not even twelve hours.

When I opened my eyes, I was at my publicist's office. The driver rolled down the window separating me and him. "We're here Mrs. Swift, have a wonderful day. I apologize for your loss." He said, I didn't say anything and got out. I couldn't speak to anyone else except for my publicist at the very moment. I had my bag in hand and I walked to the door, breathing in one last time before I walked in. I looked at Maren with almost crazy eyes.

"Give me your best journalist. I want her to document everything I tell her so we can write this book together. I need to have everyone know the truth, instead of believing the media and their lies." I said. Maren looked at me and nodded. Finally, I would get to tell the world the truth about Taylor Allison Swift.



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