Chapter Two - Emergency

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"Taylor, are you sure? This doesn't really sound like you."

I look up from my seat to see my publicist, Maren, with bewildered eyes staring through my soul. She's right, this doesn't sound like me. This doesn't sound like me at all.

"You want to write an book? A book that would tell your entire life story? All the little details and all the messy drama? I don't believe it." Maren gets up from her chair and checks the calendar, thinking it's April Fools Day or I'm just simply playing a joke on her.

"I need to. I need to get my story straight." I said dead faced, staring at the wall. "I want this to be my last piece of work before I die." By the time I said this, Maren had made her way back into her seat.

"So you're being serious?" questioned Maren.



We didn't waist anytime with the preparation. My team had came in planning the marketing strategies and how to sell it. If I had it my way, I would print millions and give them away on the street. But these are the people's jobs, this is how they make their money and I have to respect that.

I had decided that I wanted this to be my most serious piece of work. I didn't want any goofy merchandise that went along with it, or any book tours after it was released. I wanted people to hear that my book was published and want to read it without someone shoving it down their throats. I want them to read it because they want to know what actually happened. I want them to know that I told the truth every damn chance I got.

With the publisher on the phone, my publicist and I set our agreements down on the table and go over what needs to happen. Business is definitely not my favorite thing but I've been burned too many times for people to underestimate me and throw lowball prices. I'm smarter than that.

Looking at my phone to give my brain a break, I see Joe texted me.

Looking at my phone to give my brain a break, I see Joe texted me

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I think I ended up calling him three times with still no answer

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I think I ended up calling him three times with still no answer. This was really unlike Joe and I was getting worried.  Ever since I've known him, he picks up after the first ring, sometimes even before it. I just knew something was not right.


I get the first cab ride back home and bolt to the newly painted front door. Joe had said the rich green added so much value to the house, I just went along with it because  renovating the house we lived in for so long made him happy. As I stumble to find my keys and finally open the door, I'm greeted by Benny barking and growling frantically, begging for me to follow him. As soon as I made it down the corridor, my heart shattered into a million tiny pieces I don't think I will ever be able to pick back up. Joe laying on the floor with his buried into the carpet and his drink splattered like a crime scene. I sunk to my knees and before I could cry, I did the only thing I knew to do- call for an ambulance.

This chapter took a turn for the worst... 🫨
See you in the next chapter! LOVE YOUUUU

 🫨See you in the next chapter! LOVE YOUUUU

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