Chapter 2

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STAN SIGHED AND SNUCK OUT through his window, feeling a tug on his leg as soon as he got out. "Don't do that!" "What the fuck happened to you?" "Nothing, what are we doing?" "Stan." "Seriously, it's nothing." "Are you sure?" Eddie grabbed his face and got a closer look. "It look like it hurts, Stan." "I'm fine!" He pushed his hands away and sighed. "Sorry." Richie just put his hand on the back of his neck. "Anyways, we're having a sleepover, all week long." "Rich, we have school." "Oh come on, we could make up the work!" "Or we could just go to school from Richie's house!" "Eds, you seriously just ruined all the fun." "I think I like Eddie's idea." Eddie smiled. "Thanks Stan!" "Fine, we'll do it your way." "You couldn't tell me this before, so I could pack a bag?" Richie furrowed his eyebrows, obviously confused. "What are you-" Stan sighed. "I need a bag to stay over, and I need my shit for school." "Ohhhh! See that makes sense!" He sighed again, looking up at his window. "Hold on."

Richie and Eddie nodded, and as soon as Stan walked away they smiled. "You really think this'll work?" "Maybe! Or maybe he'll just get pissed and leave, you never know with him." Eddie shook his head. "Go on and text them, you really think Bev's gonna come down today though?" "Not sure, we'll have to see, and if not, we'll do this again!" "Not sure if he'd fall for it again." "Sure he will! Just gotta wait a bit, that's all. Or, they'll all be good! That'd be the best scenario." "A scenario that is highly unlikely." "Oh shut up, you're such a negative Nancy." "...Negative Nancy?" "That's a new one." "Yeah, definitely is." They both smiled at each other and waited for Stanley while Richie texted the others.

Stanley packed a quick bag for the week, grabbing all the essentials and putting all his school things in a bag, he made sure not to pack any short sleeved shirts or shorts, even to sleep in. He rolled the overnight bag out of his window and he put his school bag on his bed. He sat there for a moment, thinking about whether or not he wanted to bring his birdwatching bag, and as he was thinking, Donald Uris walked in.


He looked up, with a somewhat shocked look on his face. "Yes?"

He stood at the doorway, with his arms crossed and he glanced at the window, then at Stanley's book bag. "You wanna tell me what all that shuffling around was?" "It was nothing, sir." He walked in, looking around the room, checking every hiding spot there could be in that room. He checked under the bed, in the closet, behind the desk, outside of the window, hell, he even looked where a teenager couldn't fit into. "What are you doing making all that noise then, hm?" "Nothing, I was just looking for a book." "What you should be doing is rewriting your speech, Stanley." "I know, I'm-"

"You haven't even started, have you?"

He paused for a second, he couldn't lie, he knew that. If he did, his father would just go looking for it, and he even more upset.

"No sir, but-"

He slapped him right across the face. "No buts!"

Richie and Eddie looked up at the window, hearing the faint noise of a slap. "What the hell was that?" Eddie shrugged. "You think he's-" "That's disgusting, Richie." "What?! I didn't even say anything!" "I know what you were gonna say!" "No you don't!" "Yes I do!" "No you don't! What if I said he fell or something?" "Oh Richie you and I both know you were not gonna say that!" "You don't know a toe from a dick!" "That doesn't even make any sense!" "You don't make sense!" "Oh fuck off!" "Suck my dick!"

Donald shook his hand in the air after breaking his promise of never hitting, let alone punching, his only child in the face. "I'm sorry." "Yeah, you better be, cause this won't be the last time if you aren't." Stan stood up as he walked out, and just sighed. "Perfect timing, dickhead." He mumbled, cleaning himself up to the best of his ability, but it was still fairly obvious that something happened. He put his school bag on and grabbed his birdwatching bag, then slid out from the window.

"What the fuck, dude!" "Holy shit! Did you get into a fucking bar fight?" "Bumped into something real bad, that's all." "You've got a huge gash right in the middle of your face!" "Huge? I think you're exaggerating." "Whatever! You are so getting cleaned up once we get to Richie's." "It doesn't hurt that bad, Eddie." "It doesn't matter if it hurts or not, Stan. It could get infected!" "Oh here we go." "Shut up Richie!" He just put his hands up and shook his head, as if he did nothing wrong.

Bill was pretty excited for this sleepover, of course he knew nothing about Stan, Richie didn't say anything to anyone. Bill was happily packing his bag, full of clothes and some unnecessary things. Beverly told him she couldn't go down there so soon, but he just thought it was because of the other day. He didn't understand her, but there's nothing he could do about it. He didn't feel like doing anything either, if he was being completely honest. Would that make him a bad boyfriend? Maybe. He didn't care all that much, he was more distracted with his best friend, not even sure if he could call him that anymore, not answering him.

Richie let Eddie do his thing with Stan, because that gash was not looking all too pretty. "Look, you're forming a bruise, too." He poked his cheek and Stan sucked his teeth. "Don't touch it." "Sorry." "It's fine." Eddie grabbed Stan's chin and turned his head to the side, just inspecting his face. "Seriously dude what the dick happened to you?" "Richie shut up." "Seriously." Richie just groaned and started dragging his feet while pacing. "How about you help by getting an ice pack for him." "Ughhhh." "Go, shoo!" Richie slowly walked to the kitchen as Eddie was heading to the bathroom, to find things to clean Stan up. "Seriously Stanley what happened?" He cleaned up that 'ginormous' gash and sighed. "Nothing happened, Eddie. Nothing you guys have to worry about." He smiled a little and Richie came back, throwing the ice pack at Eddie. "Catch!" The ice pack hit Eddie in the back of the head, he turned his head to look at Richie. "Too fucking late, asshole!" "You just gotta have quick reflexes." "You're such a dick." "It's not my fault you couldn't sense it." "You could've said catch a little earlier!" "Well-" Stan rolled his eyes and just tuned them out.

Mike and Ben showed up around the same time, having some random conversation about history. "Mikey, hey!" "Oh here we go." "Hey Mike!" "What the hell happened to him?" "Stan, are you okay?" He just groaned and sighed. "Fine, thanks for asking." Mike and Ben looked at each other, then they both looked at Richie and Eddie. They shared that look for a second and everything was normal. "Take a seat, make yourself comfortable! I'll pull out some games, we could make a few on our own!" Richie smiled and Eddie shoved him away. "Lets not make a huge mess, guys." "Ignore him, Eddie we plan on having the time of our lives tonight if you don't mind?" "I think I'll spend my time with Stan." He walked away and sat next to Stan, smiling a little and Stan just nodded his head. "Boringgg! Let me find some shit to do."

Richie searched through the closet and found a few board games, some of them were pretty nerdy but that's sort of expected from Richie. He grabbed a few games and started humming, trying to think of what else they could do and what he could grab. "Eds, hold this for me?" "What? Are you serious?!" was the farthest from Richie, but he still handed him all those board games , then ran up his stairs. Stan just sighed and shook his head, he already knew what he was in for tonight and he wasn't excited at all.

Richie came down with his PlayStation and started to set it up in the living room, way too excited for this week long sleepover even though they all had school. (Except for Mike because he's still homeschooled, lucky him.) While setting everything up for his friends to have the best week of their lives, Bill Denbrough walked through the door and Stan immediately shot Richie a look.

Stan knew he was definitely leaving right in the morning, that's all he thought about when he saw the boy walk through the door.

A/N: gave him the PS4 cause it's the gay station, gay station or shitbox guys?

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