Chapter 4

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RICHIE WAS STANDING by the bathroom door while the others were asleep, calling Beverly over and over. He knew she couldn't be asleep yet, no way she'd go to sleep this early while everyone else was hanging out. He was pacing around and occasionally glancing over just incase he woke any of them up.

Stan, Mike, and Bill were "sharing" the air mattress but not the blanket. Stanley had most of the blanket, Mike and Bill had only enough to cover their arms. Bill was on the edge of the air mattress, half of his body hanging off and he was drooling, you could see it on the edge of the mattress. Mike was practically on top of Stanley, his body stretched almost everywhere and he mumbled some things while he slept which made Richie believe he had woken him up a few times. Ben, Richie, and Eddie were sharing the couch and even with Eddie being as small as he is, he was taking up a majority of the couch. Richie even debated on going back to his room with how much space that boy was taking up. "Bev, I know your getting these pick up the phone." He whispered into his phone, leaving her a voicemail.

Beverly was sitting there watching the phone ring and glancing at her packed bag. She wanted to go and see the losers, no doubt about it, so she didn't know why she was so hesitant on asking. She definitely wanted to miss school, she hated that school, she'd missed her aunt but it would only be for a little while. Her phone rung for the 15th time in a row and she picked up. "What, Richie?" "Are you coming?" "I don't know, it's a long ride." "We can go to Portland for break to make it up to you." "No it's not...actually, that'd be nice." "I'll figure out all the details when it gets closer to winter break, but are you coming yes or no?" "I am, I'll be there soon okay?" "How soon is soon?" "As soon as I can make it there okay?" "Dude promise me, we're dying without you." "That's dramatic." She smiled and shook her head, and Richie gave her a serious look. "Fine, I promise." "I'll call you in the morning, I don't wanna wake anyone." "Might be on the road by the morning." "You better be." He hung up and walked back over to the couch, putting his hands on his hips and sighing. "Where am I supposed to go."

"Hmm?" Eddie mumbled and Richie turned his head. "You're dreaming, shhh." He put his hand on Eddie's head and just soothed him with a small smile on his face. As soon as he knew Eddie fell back asleep, he lied down, both of them on the same part of the couch but facing opposite directions. The air mattress was pretty close just incase Richie fell, but he thinks he might fall through the crack between the couch and the mattress. He was staring at Eddie for a while until he had actually fallen asleep around three-ish.

Stanley woke up first, trying to stretch but since one person was on top of him and the other was almost about to fall off the mattress, it wasn't too good of a stretch. He sighed and slowly slipped out from underneath Mike and got off the bed, getting in a good stretch. "Oh my god." He mumbled, grabbing his phone to check the time, it was 5:32 in the morning and he groaned. He saw Bill move and he stood there, quiet and wide eyed.

A few minutes passed and he walked away to the bathroom, grabbing his bag and slowly closing the door behind him.

"I don't know what.." He heard from the bathroom and he furrowed his eyebrows, it sounded like Mike. What the hell could he be talking about? He shrugged it off and brushed his teeth and washed his face, then left the bathroom.

"Mike?" No response.

He shrugged it off and tapped Bill, who jolted upwards like he was woken up from a nightmare. "What happened?" "You were about to fall off the bed." "What are you d-do-doing up?" "I always wake up this early." Bill rubbed his eyes and sighed. "Go back to bed." He nodded and he moved a little closer to Mike, closing his eyes.

Stan sat next to the air mattress and put his head in his hands, feeling like he was about to fall back asleep. He shook his head and stood up, going over to the kitchen and finding something to make. He made him and the losers pancakes and bacon, even though he couldn't have bacon. He woke Bill up first, slowly shaking him. "Hmmm." "Breakfast." "Mhm." "Come on, we have school." "Mhmmm." "Bill, come on." "You look so pr-pretty in the mornings." "What?" "Hm?" Stan got up and walked away, shaking his head.

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