When your Sick

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Bangchan : go out, buy you everything you want, come back and immediately make dinner

Changbin : do all the work, all the cleaning, cook dinner, whatever you want for dinner, after you eat he will lay down and hug you.

Han : Really worried, he even goes to a doctor he's that worried for you.

Felix : like Han, very worried, though doesn't go to a doctor. Keeps checking up on you. Asking if your alright and gets you everything you need

Hyunjin : Will sleep with you, hugging you tight

Seungmin : make you tea/coffee, make you food and sit next to you while he goes on his phone

Jeongin : really worried, at one point he tears up. But tells himself it's stupid and it's just a small silly cold

Lee Know : Will buy you food, make you whatever you want. Give it to you. And then too busy with his cats <3.

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