He realises your upset

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Bangchan : Worried and keeps a eye on you

Changbin : Will repeatingly ask you but you don't answer. He respects you and stops asking but keeps a eye on you.

Han : He asks you but you say "it doesn't matter" he will keep an eye on you and take you to go shopping, get some boba, ice cream etc.

Felix : try his hardest to cheer you up.

Hyunjin : he will repeatingly ask you. You just shake you head and say like "it doesn't matter" "leave me alone" "it's not interesting" stuff like that. He will grab you and won't let go till you tell him

Seungmin : really really worried. Will leave you in the house alone and come back with gifts, clothes, flowers and your favourite sweets/chocolate

Jeongin :  he will follow you everywhere you go and won't give up asking "what's wrong baby?"

Lee Know : Same as Jeongin. But after a while he will give up and leave you alone, then goes to play with his cats

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