When your hurt

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Bangchan : run over to you, repeatingly asking if your okay

Changbin : make sure your okay. Cheer you up, bandage you and stuff. Once your okay he will hug you tight and repeat saying "I love you baby"

Han : Will help you sit down somewhere and get a med kit. Bandage you up and kiss your forehead

Felix : cares about you very much (just like the others) will bandage you and help you get around and hold you tightly

Hyunjin : Will make you laugh, bandage you up, keep checking on you and stare at you

Seungmin : do anything to cheer you up after bandaging you. Buys you stuff to cheer you up.

Jeongin : bandaged you up. Then takes you home and puts you in bed

Lee Know : bandages you, carries you home, once your asleep in bed. Will go and play with his cats.

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