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I texted Yo as usual about our movie night, wanting to know what snacks he wanted. However, there was no reply. Hmm that was unlike him. So I waited and tried again and still no reply.

So as usual, on Friday after my last AM class, I bought the usual haul and made my way to his dorm. I knocked on his door but no response. Where was this guy?!

Just then I heard a "Owh P!" I turned to see Yo, coming back from somewhere, possibly the vet as he was cradling a kitten in his hand who appeared to be injured.

"Yo, been calling you a while now. You ok? Where did you go?"

"I found this poor kitty injured P so I brought her to the vet and am bringing her back. Shall foster her for a bit till the local animal welfare gets back to me."

I just smiled fondly at Yo. It was just like him to be going around rescuing and looking after them. I went up to him and took his keys so I could open the door for us. I kept the snacks away whilst Yo cradled the kitty, fed it some water and fixed a little bed on the couch. I came out to see the kitty eventually scrambling onto Yo's lap who cradled it. He looked up and gave me a sheepish grin. I just grinned back and placed the snacks on the table along with a pink milk for Yo and a small bowl of milk for the kitty. It looked at Yo who nodded encouragingly before it inched its way towards the dish of milk. I just sat next to Yo and watched as the kitten lapped it up.

"Why do you call it a her?"

"The doctor told me it was a female kitty. So I also decided to name her Narak!"


Yo nodded enthusiastically but privately I couldn't help but think that the name suited Yo more. I just smiled. Our movie night was different that day with a little kitty joining us for the movies. Narak took some time but eventually inched towards me and by the end of 2 movies, she was sleeping peacefully on my lap. I turned to look at Yo who was dozing away on my shoulders too.

Damn, this felt so right. 2 cuties on me. What more could a man want?

Right, the part where both aren't actually mine. Sheesh. I think making the cat like me is a much more easier task than making Yo fall for me. Those medley of thoughts caused me to doze off. When I woke up, it was about 7pm and both were missing. I heard chittering chattering from the kitchen and walked towards it, only to see Yo plating some food whilst talking to Narak who just walked around his feet. I giggled at this sight.

"What are my cuties upto?"

Yo turned to see me exclaiming in surprise, "P! You are awake finally! I have prepared dinner. Want to eat? Wash up and come na."

I nodded. I went to get a quick shower, changed and came out. I went over to check what was for dinner when Yo came over and flicked me on my head.

"Owh! What was that for?!"

"You tell me, can't you dry your hair properly?"

I grinned sheepishly at Yo who made me sit down on the chair and started to towel my hair for me.

"You really got to look after yourself properly you know. Aren't you old enough?"

"You mean I can't be looked after just because I'm 20 already?"

"It's not that. Don't you think you need to look after yourself? Or else who will do it? Not like P is dating anyone."

"Well you do look after me. And that's enough. Isn't it?"

"P. Don't joke around. I'm your friend. I can't possibly look after you enough."

Yo stopped towelling my hair, shoved the towel in my hand and told me to continue. I decided to bite the bullet and grabbed his hand.

I muttered as I stood up, behind him. "What if I told you, you are all I need and I need no one else? Can't you be the one?"

I didn't hear anything for a bit. I just looked at Yo's back and all I could see was the tip of his ears and his cheeks starting to blush.

Just then Narak came between us and nestled around our legs. I just looked at her fondly and smiled. I let go of Yo's hand. I took a step back when Yo turned and held onto mine.

"I don't come as just 1 person now. She comes along too. If you can accept us both, I don't think you and I need anyone else." Yo whispered as he lifted Narak and came closer to me.

I looked at him, fighting a terrible blush and a wide grin from over taking me. I just hugged them both as carefully as I could, nuzzling my face in Yo's neck who laughed.

"You said it. You can't take it back. I gladly take the both of you. That's whom all I need."

Yo smiled as I pulled away and I planted a chaste kiss on his cheeks. Yo just looked at me and smirked.

"You are a funny man P. You will kiss me on my lips to reduce spice but you couldnt kiss me proper now that we are together and you kiss me on the cheeks?!"

I jsut stared dumbfounded at this cheeky little fellow who just leaned up and kissed me back, making up for my lack of initiativness and sealed our relationship as boyfriends.

Make that boyfriends with a little Narak. Heh.

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