Chapter 1

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Breath In, Breath Out, Breath In, Breath Out. Closer he comes. The closer he comes to his death. “He” is the CEO of Ark, the organization that supposedly provides security for the people of the world. In reality, however, they cause all the security problems in the world. “He” is known as Clark James Vanger, blonde hair and yellow eyes, born in 1985 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Yesterday was his 16th wedding anniversary with Mary Ann Vanger. They have a 17 year old son, Clark II he is the reason for their marriage, and a 16 year old daughter, Deirdre.

Time and date of Mr. Vanger’s death: January 2, 2022, 2:44 pm Western Time. Place of death: Robert J. Dean Amphitheater in San Francisco, California, which is filled with swarms of people. Cause of death: Me.

The sound of a gunshot resonates throughout the amphitheater; it has come from Nina, my 7.62 mm NATO. Mr. Vanger falls to the ground as the blood red flower on his chest blossoms spreading its petals over the floor of the stage.

This type of kill is one I call the “Spider Lily”. The teeny tendrils of blood spreading its fingers from the paling dead body. Forming the red shape of the flower known as the Spider Lily. Alas, I cannot stay on this hidden balcony any longer. I must flee the scene leaving a flawless and clean balcony with no evidence. However, I leave a letter, simply stating:

To whom it may concern:

For the misdeeds and strife caused by Mr. Clark James Vanger in the world. He has been tried and found guilty on all accounts of his offenses. His penance is death.


The Friend of Death, The Green Reaper

            I jump from the hidden balcony, landing silently and swiftly on the purple carpeted floor. I run through the scared crowd using the shadows. As dark as the night, as silent as the shadows, I run. I scan the horde of running people for any possible guards following me. Luckily, they are all checking on the Vanger family to see if there are any more injured and also to confirm if the target truly was assassinated. As soon as I break away from the crowd I hit the mouth of the forest in the park nearby. I run past hanging branches and thorns snag at my clothes, towards the end of the forest. I slow to a walk and close my eyes to think. I can see his death, a beautiful death I must say, so perfectly detailed, the red of his blood makes the beauty of the lily, the feel of ̶

“Yo, Goth Girl! Nice kill out there. Now let’s leave before the feds get here!” an obnoxious, excessively loud voice calls, breaking me from my thoughts that I freeze to pinpoint the location of the voice. This voice happens belong to my partner, Raymond, or Mr. Pervert as I like to call him, which he hates. He has shaggy dark brown, almost black, hair that covers half of his neck and vivid ice blue eyes. He’s British but he uses an American accent to not attract attention, as if that was possible. He’s a 16-year-old computer hacker and womanizer extraordinaire.

Even if he’s a womanizer, he is also one of the best English broadswordsmen in the world, and that is why he’s my partner, due to the wonderful company that we both work for (Note the heavy sarcasm). Anyways, he always carries his two broadswords on his back and a satchel (a.k.a. his man purse) that has a decent sized pocket to discreetly hold his laptop, except when we’re on covert jobs. For today’s mission he is wearing a tight black shirt with a dark jean jacket, dark jeans and black boots so that he could easily blend with the shadows. Luckily, this is all I know about him because we are not allowed to contact each other outside of missions. All from the kindness of our company’s policy. Thank F***ing God.

            “You’re right! But if you don’t shut the f*** up, they will find us,” I hissed as I started to strut away on the dirt path in the forest. I hear leaves slightly crunching in the background, and I know that he is following, trying to at least be quiet while walking.

            “Sorry, sorry, my bad. By the way, did you see that hot chick in the sexy red dress with the big boobs? Man, was she hot,” he whispered back, as he finally caught up with me in my quick stride. I just wanted to get home and away from this idiot. However, as soon as he said that, I remembered taking a glance at him in his post keeping a watch out for guards with some high powered binoculars. I had seen him turn slowly, binoculars glued to his face, at a group of young women.

            “No, I did not! For your information, I am not a womanizing pervert like you!” I whispered harshly.

            “Ouch! You stung my heart. Come on Goth Girl, we’ve been friends for 2 years. How can you say that to me?” he asked in his best pitiable puppy dog voice, just to annoy me.

            “Because it’s true,” I quickly replied. He was silent, so he doesn’t deny it. At least, I can now see the end of the forest where we will part and I can finally get rid of him.

            “Hey, it’s getting pretty dark right now. So why don’t I ̶ ”

            “No, you cannot walk me home,” I say, cutting him off as we finally reached the end of the forest path, “First off, it’s against the rules set by the company, and second of all, I do not want you to walk me home. Adiós, Mr. Pervert!” using the nickname we both know he hates so much.

I begin to head home, disappearing into the night and soon, I start to feel the soft dirt ground turn to hard cement, but not before I heard my own hated nickname as he said “Goodnight to you too, Goth Girl,” in a spiteful voice.

I jump upon a roof and run across rooftops, crossing over dark alley ways most girls should never enter, and over beautifully kept backyards; all without making a sound. We call each other those names just to get on each other’s nerve, considering we both practically hate each other’s guts. I am always amazed we never get caught by the feds with his obnoxiously loud voice as we make our escape. This will be a mystery to me for as long as I live.

By the time I reach my neighborhood it has already descended to night. The night is very cool and dark with only the moon and stars guiding me to my home. I unlock the mahogany wood door of my light green house and enter. I then walk through every room three times checking to make sure that my house is secure from the inside and that no one has broken in, a little habit of mine. After this, I head down the hall to my room and get ready for bed and get my school uniform and books ready for the next day. I go in to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. As I look into the mirror I see my own pale complexion with my mother’s brightly lit emerald eyes and my father’s dark black hair tied into a braid draping down my shoulder. I unbraid my hair, brush my teeth, take off my clothes and step into the shower, letting the hot water wash over me. I dislike this lonely part of the day, I hate thinking about my deceased parents and all the things that could’ve been but would never. This is the time where I think and I hate when this happens because I become wishful but I always shoot it down with my realistic and cold way of thinking.

When I finish, I step out of the shower to wrap myself with a towel and dry my hair. I walk into my room and put on my dark green tank top and green/black flannel pants and walk to my bed. As soon as I lay my body on my cushioned bed, I fall asleep in the blink of an eye. I had such a peaceful sleep and a wonderful dream about Mr. Pervert never existing. It truly was a spectacular dream.

             My name is Elizabeth Margaret McDraffen, I prefer to go by Lexi, and if you call me Elizabeth, well, you better get yourself a good body guard. I have pitch black hair, which is almost always in a braid down to my lower back and I have emerald green eyes. My parents are deceased, so I live by myself. The only things I really have from them are their weapons, which I use in my assassination missions, and a necklace of black angel wings that I always wear. As you can tell, one of my darker secrets is that I am an assassin. However, I’m not ready to tell you my darkest secret just yet but you may find out along the way. All I really know about myself is my name, that my parents are dead, scarce memories, and my necklace is one of the only things my parents left behind for me. I am an infamous world known assassin, called the Green Reaper, for my eyes are the last thing some of my victims will ever see, and who isn’t afraid to kill anyone or anything.

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