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A year later Alexis is out one morning on a walk in wolf form. As she is walking she soon sniffs the air smelling different scents.

"Ah. Spring. Never ceases to amaze me that I can always find something new to smell." Alexis says as she sniffs the air before stopping as she smells a particular scent.

"Uh oh. He's looking for me and he smells close by. I better not stick around unless I want to get cornered by him like Faline." Alexis says as she starts running before stopping upon smelling another scent.

"Huh? Now that's a familiar scent. Couldn't be though. I haven't seen him since we were kids. One way to find out." Alexis says as she runs following the scent before stopping in some bushes and sees a light brown buck drinking from a stream.

"It is. It is Bambi." Alexis says happily before shifting to doe form and walking over.

"Hello again. It's been a long time." Alexis says causing Bambi to stumble back away from her.

"Who are you?" Bambi asks.

"You don't remember? Bambi it's me. Alexis. We used to play a lot when we were kids." Alexis says.

"Alexis?" Bambi asks.

"Yes." Alexis says as she smiles.

"What are you doing here?" Bambi asks.

"Oh uh just um getting away from some unwanted attention that's all. You've grown up a lot." Alexis says as she goes up to Bambi.

"Y-You have too." Bambi says as he backs away.

"What's the matter? Don't you like me anymore?" Alexis asks slightly hurt.

"That's not it.." Bambi says.

"Well then why don't you let me near you?" Alexis asks as she continues to go toward Bambi as he backs up.

"I uh.. it's just... Uh..." Bambi says as he backs up into a tree.

"Come on now. I don't bite. You know that." Alexis says as she smiles before gently licking Bambi on the cheek.

"Wow..." Bambi says as he blushes slightly causing Alexis to giggle.

"See? Wasn't so bad now was it. Just a little thank you for being my friend as kids. I see your horns came in quite nicely. You've grown into a fine buck you know?" Alexis asks as she sees how much Bambi has grown.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to insinuate something." Bambi asks as Alexis steps away from him.

"Who knows. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. Why don't you find out? Hmm?" Alexis asks playfully.

"Game on then." Bambi says as he begins chasing Alexis playfully. As Alexis gets separated from Bambi she quickly stops upon seeing Ronno.

"There you are." Ronno says angrily.

"Ronno.. I.." Alexis says nervously.

"I don't want to hear it. You're coming with me. Now!" Ronno says as he begins trying to force Alexis to follow with his horns.

"No! I told you before I am not interested. Besides you already have Faline as a mate. Now leave me alone!" Alexis says angrily.

"Why should I just have one beautiful doe when I can have two? Now come on." Ronno says as he doesn't let up.

"Ronno stop!" Alexis says angrily.

"Move it!" Ronno shouts angrily before Alexis worriedly looks around and seed Bambi.

"Bambi! Bambi help!" Alexis shouts as Bambi looks at her.

"Alexis!" Bambi shouts as he runs over before starting to fight with Ronno. Alexis then quickly gets back as she watches the two bucks before seeing Bambi throw Ronno over a cliff side.

"Bambi!" Alexis says as she goes over to Bambi and sees Ronno get up and leave below.

"Alexis are you alright?" Bambi asks concernedly.

"Yes. Thanks to you." Alexis says as she nuzzles Bambi before he nuzzles her back as the two then walk away.


Later as Alexis is sleeping she soon wakes up hearing birds.

"Ugh. Noisy things. Perhaps we could move to-" Alexis then gets cut off seeing Bambi is no longer sleeping beside her and gets up.

"Bambi? Bambi. Bambi where are you?" Alexis asks worriedly before seeing more birds screeching and flying around.

"That's too many birds screeching like that to be normal. Man must be back. I gotta find Bambi. Bambi!" Alexis shouts as she shifts to wolf form and runs off to look for Bambi.


"Bambi! Bambi where are you!?" Alexis shouts as she sees animals running while trying to find Bambi before hearing barking causing her to stop and look torward the sound.

"Uh oh!" Alexis says in alarm seeing dogs charging at her and turns and runs before seeing a narrow ledge on a cliff side as she then shifts to doe form and jumps up to it being just out of reach from the dogs.

"Bambi! Bambi help!" Alexis shouts fearfully seeing the dogs have her cornered.

"Alexis!" A voice shouts as Alexis realizes it is Bambi.

"Bambi! Over here! Help!" Alexis shouts before Bambi comes running over and attacks the group of dogs.

"Quick Alexis! Jump!" Bambi shouts before Alexis jumps off the ledge and onto the ground.

"Bambi!" Alexis shouts concernedly as she sees Bambi continuing to fight the dogs.

"Run! I'll be right behind you!" Bambi shouts before Alexis nods and reluctantly runs off.


"Where is he?" Alexis asks worriedly as she has taken refuge with other animals on a small island in the middle of a lake.

"I'm sure he's okay Alexis." Flower says as Alexis looks at him and Thumper.

"Yeah. Bambi is strong. He can handle himself." Thumper says before Alexis sees something coming over in the water.

"Bambi? Bambi!" Alexis says happily seeing it is Bambi and the Great Prince.

"Alexis." Bambi says as he goes over to Alexis.

"You're alright." Alexis says in relief.

"I'm just glad you're alright." Bambi says as he nuzzles Alexis happily.

Caring Beauty Bambi: Bambi X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now