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"I thought dad said we were leaving this morning?" Kodi says as he is walking with Alexis looking for Aleu and Balto.

"Me too. Where did they get off to?" Alexis asks.

"Look." Kodi says as the two see the wolves walking towards Nava, Balto, and Aleu while growling.

"Father, Aleu, Balto!" Alexis says as she and Kodi run over to Nava, Balto, and Aleu as the rest of the wolf pack walks towards them growling before the wolves stop growling as they hear things colliding.

"Look! Aniu told me the time to leave would come with the great breaking of the ice but more than that I do not know." Nava says as everyone sees the ice in the water.

"The ice flows are lining up." Kodi says as the ice bergs are lining up in the water.

"It's like they're making a bridge." Balto says.

"A bridge to the caribou. Last winter the caribou crossed an ice bridge to land on the other side. And now that bridge is forming again." Aleu says as Balto, Alexis, and Kodi look at her.

"Now I understand. If we're to cross we must go now!" Balto shouts as the wolves talk among themselves.

"The old one spoke the truth about Balto. We must go!" Nike says as he goes over to Balto before everyone but Niju follows Balto to where the beginning of the ice bridge is.

"The ice path will only hold for a short time. Buddy up and then stick with your partner in case either of you needs help. I'll lead. Mush! I mean move out!" Balto shouts as the group gets going.

"No! You'll all die!" Niju shouts as the group keeps running.

"Nava!" Aleu shouts as Nava gets stuck on a piece of ice that breaks off from the path before she jumps into the water and goes over to Nava.

"Aleu!" Kodi shouts as Balto comes over while the group watch as Nava helps Aleu onto the ice with him.

"Aleu are you alright!?" Balto shouts.

"Yes! You guys go on with the rest of the pack! I'll get Nava!" Aleu shouts.

"Be careful Aleu." Balto says as he, Alexis, and Kodi continue on with the others. Alexis then stops hearing a commotion and sees Niju attacking Nava and Aleu.

"Balto!" Alexis shouts as Balto then sees this and jumps in the water as he goes over to Nava, Niju, and Aleu. Alexis and Kodi then jump into the water and swim over as Niju runs off.

"I can help you swim over Nava. No you're right. You won't make it. I'll go." Balto says.

"No! You don't belong here papa. You belong at home with my mother. Just like Alexis no longer belongs here. She belongs with my brother Kodi. But I do belong here. It's my destiny." Aleu says as she looks at the pack in the distance.

"Aniu told it would be the one who is wolf but does not know. I believed it was you but I was wrong. It is your daughter." Nava says.

"Are you sure. It's just so hard to let my baby go." Balto says as he goes over to Aleu.

"Papa. I'm not your.. okay. So I'll always be your baby. Good bye papa. Tell mom I finally found my home." Aleu says as she nuzzles Balto before jumping into the water and over to the wolves before howling with them.

"Good bye daughter." Balto says.

Wild Spirit At Heart Balto Kodi X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now