Meeting Kodi

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"Where on earth did that fox get to? Should of known not to trust a fox." Alexis says as she is walking through the woods before being tackled down. Alexis then gets up growling but stops upon seeing a red husky pup looking to be her age.

"Whoa hey. Sorry I didn't mean to run into you." The pup says.

"What were you doing that you didn't watch where you were going?" Alexis's asks angrily.

"Sorry. I'm training to be a mail dog. I guess I wasn't paying any attention. Are you okay?" The pup says as he smiles shyly.

"Yes." Alexis says as she calms down.

"My name is Kodiak but I usually go by Kodi? What's your name? You're the first solid white husky I've seen around here." The pup says happily as he smiles.

"Husky? He must not know a wolf when he sees one. I won't press the matter. Don't want to scare him. He seems nice." Alexis thinks as she looks at Kodi.

"My name is Alexis. Where is this place exactly. I'm a bit lost." Alexis says as she pins her ears back sheepishly.

"You're in Nome Alaska. Where did you come from that you're lost?" Kodi says.

"Oh um just far from here." Alexis says.

"Your human must be missing you then if you're lost." Kodi says as he looks at Alexis sympathetically.

"I uh actually don't have a human." Alexis says as Kodi looks at her curiously.

"Really? I do. He's really nice. You'd like him." Kodi says as he smiles.

"Thank you but I'm good." Alexis says as she smiles kindly.

"So would you want to play? Maybe you could help me train. If you're wanted to that is." Kodi says as he wags his tail.

"Sure. Try to keep up." Alexis says as she take off running.

"Man you're fast for a husky." Kodi says as he is struggling to catch up to Alexis.

"Yep. Fastest dog where I came from." Alexis says as she stops and let Kodi catch up.

"Think you can teach me how to be that fast?" Kodi asks as Alexis is a little taken back by his question.

"Yeah I can try to teach you. Part of it is just stamina and endurance but rest of it is pretty much foot work. But yeah I'll give it a try." Alexis says as she wags her tail.


Later as Alexis is playing with Kodi the two then stop upon hearing his name being called and see a red husky and a brown wolfdog next to her. Kodi then gets off Alexis and runs over to the two dogs while Alexis backs up a bit.

"Kodi you're human has been looking all over for you. He's worried sick." The female red dog says.

"Sorry mom. I want you guys to meet my new friend Alexis. I haven't seen any white huskies like her around." Kodi says as he wags his tail at the red husky.

"Yes she is certainly a beautiful dog." The female dog says as she and the brown dog look at Alexis as she cautiously goes over to them.

"Um thank you ma'am." Alexis says shyly as she lowers herself down to seem non threatening.

"No need to call me ma'am. Call me Jenna. I'm Kodiak's mother." The female dog says kindly as she smiles.

"And I'm his father Balto. I'm sorry if our son caused you any trouble." The brown dog says as Alexis sits up and smiles.

"Oh no trouble at all. He was very good company. I'm glad we met. I hope to hang out with him again sometime." Alexis says as she wags her tail at Kodi.

"I would like that too Alexis. I can even show you around town and take you to meet my human." Kodi says happily.

"Speaking of your human Kodi you shouldn't of ran so far from him. Don't ever do that again. You had everyone worried." Jenna says sternly as Kodi looks at her.

"I'm sorry mom. I won't do it again." Kodi says guiltily.

"Well see to it that you don't. Just glad you're safe." Balto says as Kodi looks at him.

"Come on Kodi. I'll take you back to your human." Jenna says as Kodi goes over to Alexis.

"Bye Alexis. It was fun meeting you. Ill be sure to hang out with you again soon." Kodi says as he walks away from Alexis and over to his mother before the two begin to walk off.

"Bye Kodi. I look forward to seeing you again." Alexis as she watches Kodi leave with his mother.

"So you're a husky huh?" Balto asks.

"Um yes." Alexis says as she looks at Balto.

"You're part wolf aren't you? You're fur color just makes it harder to notice but you look wolf like." Balto says as Alexis looks at him in surprise.

"That's because I'm actually a wolf. Not just part wolf but fully wolf." Alexis says.

"Why did you tell my son that you were a dog if you weren't?" Balto asks.

"I didn't want to scare him. He's too nice and I enjoyed playing with him." Alexis says.

"Well you should run on to back to your pack. I'm sure they're probably worried about you like Kodi's human was worried about him." Balto says.

"I can't do that. My pack is very far from here and I don't know how to get back to them. I have nowhere to go." Alexis says as she looks down sadly.

"I should be able to help there. I know this family and they're always kind to give me food, water, and shelter when I'm around. I'll bring you to them. So long as you don't act wolf like they shouldn't be able to tell you're a wolf." Balto says as Alexis looks at him.

"T-Thank you." Alexis says nervously.

"You're welcome. Follow me." Balto says as Alexis nods and follows him.

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