Chapter 2 - The Barracks

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            Aytrax found himself walking towards Lord Griffe's tent, after being told by Acier to pay a visit to the griffin who had some words of wisdom for him along with some advice to start his journey towards revenge against those who had disgraced him. The tent came to view, it was decorated with beautiful silver linings decorating a black tent, he saw that the tent was open, with a table and griffon sitting in a chair drinking some tea, he noticed that the griffon was wearing some light armor with a small cape, he noticed that his armor had some dragon scales into it with some back & silver feathers attached to the leather of armor. The griffon then sensed Aytrax & looked up from his table, giving the young werewolf a small smile then he spoke.

"Greetings you must be young Aytrax, I'm sure some of you fellow ashtrays have told you who I am, but allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Lord Griffe, The Caring Flame, one of Odron's champions." Lord Griffe introduces himself as he smiles gently at Aytrax, who kneels in front of the griffon out of respect.

"It is an honor to be in your presence, Lord Griffe." Aytrax said as he bowed down to the mighty griffon that stood in front of him with an aura of calmness & authority, it was warm like a parent's embrace yet somehow Aytrax knew that being in his presence left him feeling at ease, he was safe around the griffon.

"Arise my young Aytrax there is no need to kneel though I respect your manners, Lord Odron has informed me of your arrival & of your new purpose to walk the path of nobility & righteousness once again, I am here as one of your elders to aid you. Now I have some words of advice that you will find very much helpful. Your journey will start at Gloria City..." Lord Griffe said in a warm caring tone as Aytrax stood from his kneeling position upon hearing that there was no need to kneel. So he listened to the griffon's words.

           After hearing the words of advice & wisdom of Lord Griffe, the young knight was ready to depart on this journey to Gloria City to seek one of the Knights of Unity, that went by the name of Enoch, The King's Eyes one of the knights that have disgraced him upon refusing the order he was giving. Lord Griffe had told him that Enoch was the Three Kings' eyes, a knight that observe all, a scout who reported everything & will communicate directly with the rest of the knights serving as an overseer for the kings, he hold the key to the location of the rest that were responsible since it was likely that Bagar & the other knights were not at the capital, but station somewhere else in the land of Ever hope.

"Remember if you stumble upon your fellow astrays & other knights from the neighboring kingdoms, feel free to help them out. There is a possibility some Knights of Unity might be attacking them, along with marauders & mercenaries. If you also stumble upon a dancing flame, remember that it serves as a gateway to other dancing flames in this very barracks. I'm sure you have seen one by now." Lord Griffe said as he shook his claw with Aystrax's paw, as he remembered spotting a dark fire dancing on his way towards Lord Griffe tent, it was surrounded by small rocks that were also in fire, he remembered seeing how the fire danced moving to the side to side like a flower in the wind.

"May you find your way through your pain & suffering, guided by Odron's Dark Flame." Lord Griffe said before he added one more word & gave Anytrax a small crossbow & a medallion & charm "I like you to have this, this crossbow belongs to my father who passed it to my mother upon me, now the 'Medallion of Rallying Fire'' is a special tool used by us astrays it will allow you to summon your follow astrays who carry one to aid in battle. The charm belonged to an old fallen friend of mine, he was a dragon whose scales adorn my armor. The charm will strengthen your flames & resistance towards any fire."

"Thank you Lord Griffe, you are very generous," Aytrax said as he bowed to him, giving him a thankful smile, receiving a soft smile in return from the griffon.

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