Chapter 8 - Far From Over

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             The young astray werewolf could only scoff as he gritted his teeth & parried another attacker & delivered a lethal stab with his sword as the enemy let out a grunt of pain before dying in anguish. Aytrax found himself surrounded by enemies after reaching a cliff where Trox, barracks were located he ready his stance against the heavily armored Knights of Unity switching his light sword to "Burden of Richies" his light sword that had been upgraded by wrapping barbed wire around it, a note that he took from Enoch & blade replaced by one that could emit radiant light, Acier ever so jolly to help bestow him the upgrades & also admire that he was trusted with "Burden of Riches" by the hoarding eternal dragons, so with a growl he ready his stance, enhanced "Burden of Richies" with his dark flames as the blade was engulfed in black & gold flames the Knights of Unity could only glare at him from humans, goblins, werewolves & vampires. They charged at him & Aytrax swung his sword sending a wave of fire toward them pushing some back & slaying others. An arrow hit him in one of his eyes. He shouted in pain then slammed the sword into the ground temporarily creating a barrier. He yanked the arrow out as the damage to his body healed.

          The Knights of Unity ready their stance as they saw the young astray werewolf step through the flames & even if they were enemies they couldn't help to admire the young astray a former Knight of Unity as he ready himself to face them with crossbow & sword in hand if this were their last battle so be it, they would die honorably as oppose to some of their comrades who they had early witness execute a few prisoner astrays, perhaps when this war is over Knights of Unity & astray could live peacefully but they didn't believe that Soldrax philosophy was clear as day & anyone that question it paid the price, plus some were loyal to him while others were only loyal to the Kingdom of Ever Dream not to the Three Kings' or Soldrax but to the kingdom, they grew up & where their families live, they knew it, so as the young astray werewolf. If only they would have known that Soldrax wrongfully accuse Odron of treason who knew of Soldrax's true nature to conquer all in his name. Odron, despite his eagerness to practice dark magic & dangerous spells. Along with his philosophy of seeking redemption through pain & suffering. The dark dragon was open to other religions, cultures, philosophies & even ideologies. He believed in peace & that the practice of dark magic was not as dangerous if used correctly, through the right minds & hands/paws of the people, individuals that can be corrupted or uncorrupted but not change their hearts or mindset. So with battle cries & roars, they charge at the young astray werewolf to die by his hands or slay him like other astrays that won't surrender.


           Aytrax could only put "Burden of Riches" & his crossbow away, the sword did its job draining the will of the heavily armored Knights of Unity leaving them more vulnerable to attacks as the chains lower their defense & strength as Aytrax feasted on some of the bodies the young werewolf could help to feel some sadness at their demise sure they were enemies but he was once a Knight of Unity & a role model & he was sure some of these men & women had families, the only one to blame for this was Soldrax these men & women, Knights of Unity died swearing allegiance towards him but Aytrax knew that some of them or most die protecting the Kingdom of Ever Dream & families no doubt fearing what the Knight of the Dark Flames would do once they reached the Kingdom to slay The Three Kings a justifiable fear. Even so they had no reason to harm others; they were already paying the price for atrocities & slaying those who didn't deserve it & only wanted to leave peacefully. Knights were meant to protect others who couldn't protect themselves from invaders or criminals that threatened the peace & innocence to be righteous & uphold chivalry. There was no use in dwelling on it they were at war & The Three Kings were being the main contributors towards Soldrax's goal to conquer every nation in the world under his name.

As Aytrax finished healing from his injuries with a soft whine he wandered through the edge of the cliff to observe the barracks where Trox was located, his unicorn companion was safely hidden in some trees he had closely attached to her calling her Melody. His eyes scan the base and he wonders if Trox's workstation would have any useful spells, indications or potions, or any other item. He couldn't help but admire how well defend the barracks were with catapults, spike, heavily armored knights, archer towers, manticores & even chimeras serving as trackers they even have pegasus & golems with plenty of supply crates & food stashes then his eyes travel to admire the view just as Du Sang was probably doing when he had first approached him as he reflects upon his transformation to an astray he couldn't help to wonder if there was hope for this war full of sadness & death, he had seen how miserable the people of Gloria City were, it was disheartening to see how quiet everything was & he reached for his flame & as it guided him towards the barracks Aytrax smiles softly as he realized Odron's philosophy & his questions of Soldrax rule & philosophy then asked one question towards his lord Odron, The Dark Flame who answered his question with a caring tone.

"Lord Odron, did you also experience pain & suffering? Was Soldrax's rule & philosophy the cause of it?" Aytrax asked with a sympathetic tone towards his lord, who responded with care like a father towards his son or daughter but with a hint of somberness.

"Yes my child, I did experience pain & suffering firsthand. Soldrax & I were once friends but he took someone from me, someone precious due to his close-minded nature of not accepting others' ideologies & philosophies rather than his own ... my beloved wife who perished at his enforcers to protect me when I questioned his decision to rage war & conquer everything in his name in secrecy to create the perfect paradise by only those who were worthy to rule the lands by only having one religion. The Religion of the Dragons who are called "The Worthy Ones" whose only desire is to rule by authority based on everyone's social status by creating a personality cult based on their interests & reflecting them on the people rather than learning of enlightenment & freedom of social status." Odron explained his reasoning for his questions about Soldrax's philosophy & rule.

              Aytrax finally understood Soldrax became entranced in their way of thinking which bring the question of where they were still others that believed in their ideology, Soldrax, The Beckoning Light had adopted it into his image, and everything made sense now, however, the real question where the "The Worthy Ones" still activate even after all these years? Odron senses Aytrax's thoughts and then speaks to him.

"We won't know until we try young Aytrax, this is only the beginning to walking the path of righteousness & chivalry to protect the innocent & deliver justice," Odron spoke with a caring lecturing tone towards Aytrax, who could only smile at his lord's words.

"You're right Lord Odron, this is only the beginning, we must not lose hope, our pain & suffering will be our guiding key towards strength & victory," Aytrax said as he smiled facing the barracks before letting out a howl at the night sky of a full moon, this was far from over but for now, he had to fulfill his purpose to ease his pain as the burning sensation returned for a moment & he will start here at Trox's barracks then fight his way towards the remaining Knights that disgraced him, especially Bagar, The Graceful his main adversary as he was Aytrax, Hound of Odron formerly known as Aytrax, Sword of Light & The Disgrace titles burn away by Odron's Dark Flame. Aytrax would forever be grateful & loyal towards Odron, The Dark Flame as he gave him a chance to redeem himself of his sins, to walk the path of righteousness & chivalry, the path of nobility that he has long lost.

End of First Book of a Trilogy

To Be Continued On Trails of The Astray: Will of a Werewolf...

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