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Being prepared for some alarm to go off as you are pushing open the door but nothing went off. You sigh of relief. Ray steps in front of you. There are just mountain of boxes. What are they even filled with?

You look around, for a light switch or any source of light. It was hard to see since the only light at the moment is from the opening of the attic door. You spot a dangling chain. You step closer to it, hoping it wasn't some secret alarm. You pull on it. Light illuminates the room.

Surprise. It was just a normal light. Phew.

It wasn't some fancy good light. In fact the way it shines could make you go feel like you're going insane with all the shadows it leaves. The light was enough to see though. The place was dusty. It looks like it hadn't been touched in a while... The boxes especially mounted up with dust.

You step back over to the attic door to close it quietly. Ray was already looking at how to open the boxes without making it obvious it was recently opened. The boxes have simple tape on them. You walk over to a stack. You take a box off. Dust already clinging to your hands. You begin to carefully pick at the tape to peel it off without any damage to the box. The feeling was quite gross though. You blew on the box to get off the extra dirt and dust. You cough as it felt like it just flew right back into your face instead of away.

You move the flaps of the box out of the way. Inside were files.. Why would files be up here? You took out the file opening it up to paper.. It had records of everyone ever in gracefield. The files were even dusty. You seem to forget you were literally wearing white, you wipe your hand on your skirt to get off the dust.

The date went back to 2000. Your eyes widened at the number. This had been going on for ages who knows how old the other files are. How are some stupid kids supposed to break the cycle? It has never been done.. This is proof of it.

"Ray." you spoke quietly

He didn't respond. He was also indulging in the records. After a moment he walks over to you. Hovering behind you to see what you were staring at. You point at the year. He didn't seem very concerned.

You pull out the other files.. Hoping it doesn't date back further. If Emma was here, she'd say something along the lines of;"it doesn't matter how long it has been going on! We'll break the cycle no matter what."

Why is everything falling apart? Or felt like it. It was starting to get more stressful than you thought...

All the records. All the numbers. All the kids that didn't make it. Their scores. Their weakness and strengths. Everything.

They must have files on us too but they're not finished. They already know our weak points and strengths. They can pin us how they please.

"I don't have much time. Mom is going to get worried if I waste anymore time." Ray said he headed for the attic door. "Don't stay up here too long."

He then pushes open the door, closing it quietly behind him. You could hear the faint footsteps of him going down the stairs till they disappear.

'Don't stay up here too long'

That sentence rang in your head.

Morning came. You were still in the attic. You were looking through every single file. Putting back the boxes of files you have gone through on the left side of you. You tried to keep all the files organized as they were before. You didn't want it to be too obvious someone had been up here but you literally had moved all the dust so it was obvious anyway.

Your eyes stung. You hadn't slept. You felt like you were falling asleep right there. You'd soon be recognized as missing. You put the last file in that box back in. You ran your nail into the side of the box, it left a small mark. This would be the way for you to tell what box you were at last before pushing it with the rest on the left side.

You would have to wait for the breakfast bell to ring.. Which should be soon. That way everyone will be downstairs.

You wait for some time. Hoping for the bell to ring at any moment. It feels like an eternity to you. Your eyes were getting heavy.. You began to doze off...


What time was it? Did the bell ring yet? You open your eyes. Realizing you had fallen asleep. How had nobody found you yet? I guess you spoke too soon. The door to the attic creaks open. You figure that Ray would be on the other side..

It was Mom.

"Oh my.. Y/N.. How did you end up up here.." She spoke with a fake sweet tone but her words spit venom as well were passive.

Ray had told you to not spend so long up here. You should have listened.

You were in a daze as well as still exhausted from lack of sleep.

"You look exhausted.." Mom said before she turned to the attic door

Mom called down the stairs.. Apparently your siblings were down there looking for you. "

"I found her everyone. No need to panic. Please go back to playing tag." mom said there was chatter amongst them now.

"Phew! Let's go play! "

"How did she end up up there?"

"Who cares. She's fine."

"Are you sure she's fine?"

"Yes! Mom would tell us otherwise."

The chatter soon disappeared of the voices you could make out. Before you knew it you were in mom's office. You were sat down by her at the rounded table nearest to the books. How exciting this was going to be..

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