Cosy (George)

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I'm sat on the couch, reading the newspaper until I hear the front door open and slam loudly closed. George. I put the paper on the coffee table infront of me and walk into the hallway to greet my husband. He looks sweaty and he has bags under his eyes so I decide to not say anything and to just hug him. "Hey lovie," he murmurs tiredly into my hair. "Busy day?" I ask, my arms wrapping around his neck, playing with the small hairs on his neck. He nods and kisses my lips lightly. I take hold of his hand and drag him into the living room. "Lovie, what are you doing," he asks, giggling slightly at the end of his sentence. "Just sit down," I usher. His tired body flops onto the couch and I sit next to him, leaning my head onto his shoulder. He adjusts so that his leg is behind me, nesting me into his chest, which was now pressed up against my back. His head is resting on the armrest and his fingers play with my hair. We lay there for a few minutes in a loving silence until his breathing evens out and soft, shallow snores come from his sweet lips. I look up to see his heavenly face fully relaxed and I marvel in its beauty. I relax into his body and close my eyes, drifting off into a deep sleep wrapped in the loving embrace of my soulmate.

Requested by: Gn77kce

(250 words) thanks for the requests!! They are open so send me a message if there is a story you are dying to read <33

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