Part 1

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"Keep Up, Weasley!" Oliver Wood shouted out as he raced ahead of you on his broom.

"Don't get cocky just yet, Wood!" You shouted back as you sped up faster than you had ever gone before to fly parallel with him.

"Wait! Slow down!" Oliver tried to warn you, "That turn is sharp!"

"You're just chicken!" You called back as you sped past him, unaware of the disaster you were about to cause.

"Y/n, I'm serious! There is ano-" Oliver shouted, his voice laced with concern, falling daft on your ears as you tuned him out.

Ahead of the two of you was a wide open field, the only obstacle in sight was a large oak tree that served as the halfway point for broomstick races. Your mother had never let you race against your brothers and their friends, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her, right? You borrowed your older brother Charlie's broom and dared Oliver to a race.

"I can do this. If Charlie, Bill, and all of their friends can then so can I!" You self-affirmed before speeding up even more. The broom handle shook slightly but you held a firm grip on it as you started the turn around the tree. Only to discover a moment too late that there was another tree behind the first one. Right as you were about to crash into the tree you jolted awake.

A fair amount of sweat had accumulated on your forehead and after wiping it harshly with your sleeve you rubbed your arm where you had broken it all those years ago racing Oliver. You dreamed about it quite often, only it felt more like a nightmare at times.

"Kids," You heard your mother, Molly, call out from the bottom of the stairwell. "Breakfast!"

"Be right there!" You called back as you threw a jumper and a pair of soft leggings on after fixing your hair and wiping the sleep from your eyes. Today was the day your family was heading to Diagon Alley to get the rest of the school supplies your siblings had yet to purchase. Since you knew your parents were going to be on edge all day because of Sirius Black you planned on slipping away as soon as possible so you could buy your new broom with Oliver.

"Morning mum," You tiredly croaked, the sleep yet to leave your voice.

"Sounds like someone slept well," Molly hummed with a teasing smile as she set a plate filled with scrambled dodo eggs, and a perfectly toasted fern muffin, down in front of your usual seat. You merely smiled in response as you started to eat the delicious food in peace and quiet. Or until Ginny came downstairs and wouldn't stop talking about Harry Potter. Fortunately, she stopped once the boys came downstairs; however, they ate like a pack of starved animals, wolfing down their breakfast within a few moments.

"So Y/n..." Fred started with a mouthful of muffin.

"Excited to see anyone in particular today?" George finished as he picked at something stuck in between his teeth. The twins had been teasing you for the past two weeks straight about Oliver. Ever since he asked to meet up in Diagon Alley so you could go broom shopping together. All summer long, while your twin Percy had been cooped up in his room sending love letters to Penelope Clearwater, you had been working at Quality Quidditch Supplies with Oliver. That is until Sirius Black escaped Azkaban and your parents refused to let you leave the house. Of course, it happened the very same day you had managed to save up just enough to buy your dream broom, a Nimbus 2000.

"I am actually," You smirked, "my Nimbus 2000,"

"2000?" Ginny questioned. "But didn't the 2001 just come out?"

"Oh, Godric..." George cried out dramatically.

"She didn't Georgie, please tell me she didn't!" Fred shouted hysterically.

"She did. She's doomed us all!" George exclaimed before both he and Fred covered their ears and squinted their eyes in fake pain.

"The 2001 is nice, but despite its bristles being longer than the 2000's it is shorter in overall height. This means there is less space to maneuver around on the broom itself. Plus it doesn't have fixed stirrups, although that makes it more comfortable it also means you're more likely to fall off your broom if hit with a bludger and-" You started to explain.

"Okay, Y/n! We get it, you know a lot about the difference between two bloody brooms!" Percy interrupted rudely before snatching his plate of half-eaten food and going back up to his room.

"You can tell me about the rest later, okay Y/n?" Ginny said with a gentle smile. There was a reason your little sister was your favorite sibling, she always had your back.

"Is it over, Freddie?"

"I think so, Georgie..."

"Oh shut it, you clowns!" You and Ginny yelled at the same time, before turning to one another and laughing. Sometimes you swore you and Ginny were more like twins than you and Percy.

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