Part 2

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"Alrighty alrighty settle down everyone we're leaving for Diagon Alley in an hour so go get ready," Your father, Arthur, said as he shooed the rest of his loud kids out of the kitchen. Before you knew it an hour had gone by and you were ready to head out. Although you had passed your apparition exam and could just apparate there you decided against it since the rest of your siblings couldn't and used the floo network instead.

"Y/n why on earth would you want to use the floo network and get all dirty?" Ginny asked as she unsuccessfully tried to rub some dirt off her nose.

"Didn't feel too fair," you said right as Percy apparated in front of the two of you. He didn't even bother to look in the two of you's direction before briskly walking away no doubt to find Penelope.

"That adds up..." Ginny quipped with a laugh before the two of you split up. Ginny followed Molly and Arthur to go see Harry while you headed over to Quality Quidditch Supplies to go see Oliver and your Nimbus.

"Y/n!" You heard Oliver shout from behind you as two rather strong arms grabbed your waist and spun you around before pulling you into a tight embrace.

"Oli!" You laughed as he put you back down on the ground. Surprisingly he had grown at least another two inches since the last time you saw him and unsurprisingly he was wearing his favorite Puddlemere United jumper. "Ready to buy our new brooms!?"

"I can't believe we managed to save up enough for two Nimbus 2000's!" He smiled as he grabbed your hand and excitedly ran into the store. Normally something as expensive as a new Nimbus would be impossible for Y/n and Oliver to buy but with their employee discounts and a buy one get one half off sale, thanks to the release of the new Nimbus 2001, they just barely could afford them.

"Hey, Mitch!" Oliver shouted out over the heads of a few other witches and wizards, "We're here for our Nimbuses!"

Mitch wasn't the current owner of the shop but was merely taking care of it for the owner since he was sick, this meant that he didn't know you could use an employee discount on something on sale. Although Y/n felt a bit bad for tricking the older fellow she and Oliver had been dreaming of these brooms ever since they came out and knew this was their only chance of getting them while they were still at Hogwarts.

"Perfect I set two aside for y'all last week, and it's a good thing too they've been selling like crazy ever since the sale started," Mitch replied as he walked into the back room to grab the brooms. You and Oliver follow him back unknowingly still holding hands, had you not been so excited about the brooms you probably would have been blushing like mad. "Here they are!"

Mitch uncovered two perfect Nimbus 2000's both already equipped with matching Gryffindor clad stripes on the bristles.

"Hope you two don't mind, I went ahead and colored the bristles. You two are Gryffindors right?!" He asked nervously just in case he misheard.

"They're perfect!" You shouted as you tried to grab one only to realize your hand was still intertwined with Oliver's. You tried to let go but Oliver was still clutching your hand tight, "Oli?"

Oliver hadn't moved or made a sound after Mitch uncovered the brooms. He just stood there frozen like a statue.

"Is he okay? I knew I should have asked before coloring the bristles!" Mitch shouted out in distress.

"Mitch calm down, he's just stuck in awe, it happened when he was appointed Captain in our fourth year," you said to Mitch to stop him from spiraling, "Oliver!"

"Wha-what?" Oliver questioned with furrowed brows as he turned his attention away from the brooms and towards you.

"Welcome back, want to let go of my hand so we can get our brooms already?" You said with a teasing grin. The still-shocked Oliver merely nodded his head before reaching out and grabbing his broom.

"I think it's the second most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he whispered.

"Ditto," you exclaimed quietly.

'Second?' Mitch wondered, ' these days are such romantics.'

"I can't wait to test this baby out!" Oliver exclaimed loudly, the shock seemingly starting to dissipate.

"We have to pay for them first cowboy," you quipped before you handed Mitch the small sack of galleons you and Oliver finished filling up on your last shift three weeks ago. It was filled with the exact amount needed.

"Can we try them out now?" Oliver asked impatiently.

"He still has to ring them up, Oli," You laughed at his childish behavior.

"And here's your receipt, please come again!" Mitch said that last part jokingly as naturally you and Oliver would probably be back later that very day to buy some new supplies for the Gryffindor team with the money Professor McGonagall gave Oliver.

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